Flaming Gorge is an annual Brown tradition. We usually participate, but have stayed in the condos at the Lodge. This year we decided to camp. I was surprised at how excited the kids were to camp. Mike prepared weeks in advance for our trip. He tested the tents and all other camping equipment before we left. He packed all of the boating and camping gear all by himself.
Some of my kids favorite memories are:
The night they wore the Burger King mask, walked up to the window of someones Motor home, knocked on the window and said, "would you like some Fry's with your shake." The lady started screaming and fell off her chair.
Uncle Joe driving the plan toon boat.
Cliff jumping.
Tube wars

When we arrived at Flaming Gorge we set up our compound. Caliey Haycock, Sarah's friend came with us. She was such a delight. All of Steve's siblings were camping right next to each other. In the middle was the Grandparents campground where the main festivities were.
My kids love to water ski. Each morning we would wake up early to get on the lake while the water was glassy. There is nothing like water skiing on smooth, glassy, water. The kids would all ski until they were exhausted. Then we would tube and catch up with the rest of "The Brown's" for fun in the sun, swimming, cliff jumping, and tube wars.

Each day we would play "Steve's music while we were on the boat. I was touched that the kids wanted to keep up the tradition. His music consists of The Eagles, Journey, Billy Joel, and James Taylor. The kids are so familiar with his music that they can sing right along with it. Ben would talk to Steve on the two way radio every day. He would say things like, "Hey Dad, how are you doing up there? I'm making you a smore tonight and throwing it up to you. Mom says if you don't catch it, she'll eat it." The kids told me to tell him to stop, but I told them it was his daily therapy session.

At night we would make and eat dinner together. It was always an amazing dutch oven meal prepared by all the women (yes I contributed). The cousins would then play games, watch movies, roast marsh mellow, make smores, or create mischief.
Some of my kids favorite memories are:
I loved Flaming Gorge, but didn't realize how emotional it would be for me. Flaming Gorge was one of Steve's favorite places. At night, I would disappear for hours to spend some time alone dealing with my emotions. I felt Steve's presence a lot, and dream about him every night. I really felt he was watching and was happy that we are continuing on with his favorite traditions.
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