Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Friday, August 21, 2009

Contamination at Cancun

Poor Katelyn got bit by a bug in Tulum. The bite started to spread to make other legions on her face while we were still in Mexico. When we got home, she went to the dermatologist to get medication for her "bug bite". He told her that she had a topical staph infection and gave her some ointment. Katelyn left for girl's camp the next day.
When she arrived home on Friday, she was covered with legions. One in particular on her foot was very deep. The legions had spread to her legs and feet. I took her to the pediatrician and got an antibiotic to treat her staph. The dermatologist had informed us that she did have internal staph.
The next week, the legions that had cleared on her face had broke out again. I took her back to the doctors. To make a long story short, she had MRSA staph. That is a staph infection that is resistant to many antibiotics. The last determatologist she saw would not let her go to EFY. He wanted her within 10 minutes of a hosptial, and somewhere where he trusted the doctors. Seven doctor/dermatologist appointments , and one and a half months later Katelyn was cured until she got it again in August. We currently working on completely ridding poor Katelyn of this terrible stuff for the second time.


MOM THE BOMB said...

Poor Katelyn! That stuff is nasty.