Monthly, my children (those endowed) and I attend the temple together. There is no pressure, just an open invitation for everyone. I have throughly enjoyed spending this time with my children and their spouses.
The temple is a special place for me. I am always reminded of my promise of an eternal family if I lived righteously. I was reminded of a talk I gave in Stake Conference about a year ago that expresses some of the feelings and experiences I have about the temple. It is as follows:
There is an old adage, “Nothing is as certain as change.” No one escapes change, it happens to the young, the old, the singles, and the married. Change happens to us minute by minute, and day to day. Some changes are exciting and welcomed, such as graduating from High School or college, marrying the man or woman of your dreams, your first child, becoming a grandparent for the first time, and the list goes on.
While positive changes are welcomed, there are also times in our life when change is difficult, and sometimes heartbreaking. There are times in our lives when we will experience challenges and trails that may seem overwhelming, or too much to bear.
In August of 2008, on the first day of school, the first day of kindergarten for my youngest, my family and I experienced one of the greatest trials that we have ever had to endure. That evening my husband of 20 plus years suddenly, and unexpectedly, passed away of a heart attack. Words can’t describe the pain and despair that accompanies such a tragedy. As I gathered my children and prayed for his recovery, we soon realized that it was not to be. Our Heavenly Father had another plan for him.
After my husband’s passing, the stages of grief took its course. The difficult days continued, and I felt as if no one could understand the depth of my despair. My family and I found comfort in a scripture that was given to us at my husband’s funeral. It is found in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” I know, and believe that my Heavenly Father loves us, and he will sustain us, uphold, and comfort us during the darker days, if we but ask him.
I have never before been so grateful for the temple sealing ordinance. What a blessing it is to know that I am sealed to my husband for time and all eternity; and that our children were born in the covenant, and that we can be an eternal family. The Lord promises in D&C 132:46, “Whatsoever you seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever you bind on earth, in my name and my word, saith the Lord, it shall be eternally bound in the heavens”. That promise gives me comfort, and hope. I know that if my family and I remain faithful and endure to the end, that we will live together eternally.
I have attended the temple often after the passing of my husband. The temple is a place where I feel close to heaven, and close to my husband. I feel peace and receive strength when I attend. I have received specific personal revelation that has buoyed me up during difficult times.
On the first wedding anniversary following my husband’s passing, I decided to attend a session in the SL temple. That is the temple where my husband and I were sealed, and married in many years ago. That day, as I was participating in a session, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort. I had a strong feeling that my husband was very busy doing important work on the other side. I felt that it was important for me to support him in his calling in heaven, just as I had supported him in his earthly callings as he served as bishop, and in two bishoprics.
Elder Hales states, “The primary purpose of the temple is to provide the ordinances necessary for our exaltation in the celestial kingdom. Temple ordinances guide us to our Savior and give us the blessings that come to us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Temples are the greatest university of learning known to man, giving us knowledge and wisdom about the Creation of the world. Endowment instructions give guidance as to how we should conduct our lives here in mortality. The meaning of the word endowment is “gift.” The ordinance consists of a series of instructions on how we should live and covenants we make to live righteously by following our Savior.”
What a great blessing it is has been for my children and I to be worthy to enter the temple and to take upon ourselves the sacred covenants therein.
I was blessed 8 months after the passing of my husband to escort my oldest child, my sweet daughter, through the temple to receive her endowments, and prepare to be married in the temple. This sacred experience is something that every mother looks forward to with great anticipation. To witness your daughter participating in temple ordinances, and being sealed to a wonderful man for time and all eternity brings a mother great joy.
I was also able this past month to take my youngest daughter to the temple on her 12th birthday. Her greatest desire on her birthday was to perform baptisms for the dead in the temple. We left early that morning so my high school kids could tend my younger son. When we arrived at the temple, the workers were so kind and helpful to her. They knew it was her first time participating in baptisms so they carefully explained to her the process of performing baptisms.
I was particularly impressed with the priesthood holder who was baptizing her that day. He was so kind and gentle with her, explaining with such tenderness what would happen and what she should do each step of the way. I couldn’t help but think that is exactly how her dad would have been. There was such a sweet spirit in the temple that day.
Tender times such as these are difficult to do without my husband physically being present. However, we feel his presences; we know that he is watching over us.
The temple is truly the only place where you feel a little taste of heaven. When you are troubled and have crucial decisions that weigh heavily on your mind and soul, you can take your cares to the temple and receive spiritual guidance.
I thought that if you have the most difficult thing you can imagine happen to you, the passing of a spouse, that you would receive a rest from other trials. That wasn’t to be for our family.
After my husband’s passing, the challenges and trials continued. I found myself in the temple often seeking guidance, and praying over family situations, and medical issues. I felt peace, and was blessed to know that when I left it was all in the Lord’s hand.
Recently, one of my daughters was diagnosed with a very large tumor located in her abdomen. The doctor said it was the largest he had seen in a young woman her age. It had to be attended to very quickly, since it was causing problems with other vital organs. It was unknown as to exactly what organs it had attached itself, and we wouldn’t know until the surgery was performed.
It was a frightening time, with of course the worry that the tumor may be malignant. We prayed, fasted, and went to the temple. A sweet friend of mine went with me to the temple, knowing I needed support during a difficult time. At the temple another sister who I didn’t even know knew about my situation approached me and said, “I just want you to know that our family is praying for Sarah and your family. I felt such love and support from those around us.
The surgery went better than expected, and we were blessed with a positive outcome.
We are so grateful for the tremendous support we receive from those around us. We are blessed not only to have a heavenly angel watching over us, but many earthly angels as well. I am so grateful for wonderful friends, family, neighbors, and members of our stake who have buoyed me up. I appreciate the sweet e-mails, notes, telephone calls, and visits that I have received from so many of you during our times of need. You are our earthly angels. Our Heavenly Father never leaves us alone in the challenges we face in life.
One day as I was reading the scriptures, I happened upon a particular scripture that has been a great help to my family and I. We have discussed it in family scripture study and FHE, and have adopted it as “our family scripture”. It is found it“ 2 Nephi 31:20 “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.”
It is my hope and prayer that regardless of the trials and challenges we may be faced with in this earthly life, that if we will have faith, feast upon the word of Christ, participate in the ordinances of the temple, and endure to the end, that we might be blessed with eternal life, which is one of our greatest gifts.