Bella, loves to be close to me ALL day. She wants to ride in the car with me, be in the room I happen to be cleaning, sit on my lap when I am sitting, and sleep at the bottom of my bed at night.
Sounds, kind of cute? Well, not always. This is where I draw the line.....I woke up one morning to find Bella in my covers, with her head laying on my pillow next to me. “What,” I snapped. “Dogs do not belong in the bed with humans,” I scolded. She understood, and seemed a little hurt.
This weekend as Kate and I were sitting at the kitchen bar talking, Bella started barking profusely. “Does she need to go outside,” Kate asked. “No, she is jealous we are talking and wants to sit on a bar stool in between us,” I said smiling. “You have got to be kidding me,” Kate replied. Kate moved over, Bella climbed on the bar stool and was a very happy dog.
She sits under the table during dinner so she can receive human food. Yep, my kids sneak her food. Don’t leave a sandwich unattended or you will bite into and notice it is now just bread.
Cute little dog, but I think she needs to learn a-thing-or-two about human verses dogs.

I think I need a dog like that in my life.
She's too dang cute!!
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