Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

17 Miracles

The kids and I went to the movie theatre to see the movie 17 Miracles. It is a pioneer film unlike any I have never seen before. It has increased my appreciation for the incredible sacrifices the pioneers made during their travels to the Salt Lake Valley. I have a renewed appreciation for them.

The movie is based on unbelievable actual events that the Willie Handcart Company endured. Levi Savage, one of the fearless leaders, kept meticulous records of the journey west toward the Salt Lake Valley. The film is based on these records. It is stated that “Many of the unbelievable miracles showcased in 17 Miracles come directly from Levi’s first hand journal entries. What he came to find out is that for every tragedy, there is a multitude of miracles.”

Ben, who is 8, had a difficult time understanding the miracles. He would lean over to me and say, “That really didn’t happen, did it?” One of the miraculous miracles that happened in the film was a young daughter coming back to life. I am sure this is difficult for him to process, since his experience in life has been different.

We had a FHE on Monday that included a discussion about miracles. I focused mainly on ones that he may be familiar with in the Bible.

I have a lot more teaching to do, but I hope that someday all my children will understand the beauty and reality of miracles. Although I may not have experienced the greatest miracle that I would have liked to have happen in life, I do believe in miracles.

I am so grateful for the pioneers, and the sacrifices they made for all of us. Pioneer Day commemorates the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24th. I hope to be especially mindful of them as we celebrate this holiday this year.