Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End Of The World

The daunting hour on May 21, has come and gone. The doomsday watch is over and we survived to tell about it.

The end of the world predictions by Harold Camping are all in vain. Along with his predictions were quotes such as this, “There's going to be big earthquakes that will make the one in Japan seem like a Sunday school picnic.”

I have purposefully not mentioned the doomsday reports to my children. Not only out of disbelief of such reports, but also no need to get the adrenalin pumping for no reason. I hadn’t given the prediction much thought, just a quick laugh here and there throughout the day.

I was at the temple during the hour of doom. I left Kate in charge. She LOVES to be in charge, and is pretty good at it. However, I had no idea what leaving her in charge during “doomsday” actually meant. My neighborhood spies happily recounted the doomsday happenings at my house.

Kate gathered Ben, Lizzy, and Bella (the dog), and herded them into the cul-de-sac located directly across the street from our house. She had secured our 72 hour emergency backpacks and sat in the cul-de-sac with the kids, the dog, and the backpack until the hour of doom had passed. I guess she believed Harold Camping’s prediction of the big earthquake prior to the end of the world. Kate had them all prepared for the “BIG quake”. They were safe, just in case, phew!

It has been stated that the biblical rapture happened today where God pulls the faithful into heaven. I hope that isn’t true. The hour of doom has come and gone, and we are still here. Maybe I’ll start a head count around the neighborhood. If I show up to church tomorrow, and a few of the "real faithful" are missing, I'm going to have to wonder.


MOM THE BOMB said...

Way to go, Kate. I ate a few more chocolates, just in case.

Julie said...

Kate is my favorite. What a champ.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop laughing....Love your family!