Friday, March 30, 2012
Happy 19th
Posted by browniemom at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Holy Cow!
Shock, and denial were my feelings at the gas pump today. Even with my .10 per gallon discount at Smith’s Market, it still cost me around $80 to fill up the Suburban. The red truck, same problem.
According to news articles, for 19 consecutive days, gas prices have risen. The National average gas prices are around $3.90 a gallon, and in many areas they are well over $4. With reports that gas prices could top $5 a gallon in many areas by summer, it is time to reconsider our choice of transportation.
Vespa’s range from $800 and up, and bikes, well I have a few in my garage that one could ride for free. Isn’t exercise important for the human body? Aren’t we all worried about the lack of exercise among Americans these days?
Well, something’s gotta give. Maybe I’ll buy me a Vespa and make Mike ride his bike to school, I’m sure he’d like that.
If you see me on a Vespa you know I've made a drastic choice. Maybe I'll just downsize.

Posted by browniemom at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 26, 2012
This weekend Kate and Mike bought two fluffy, tiny, baby chicks. The purpose of this purchase was to use them in asking a “chick” to prom.
The kids quickly became attached to these cute little birds. I was so happy that they bought two, not one, because these little chicks took comfort in one another’s company. They would snuggle up to each other, and chirp very loudly if you would pick one up and not the other. Kids old and young at my house, fussed about them, played with them and made sure they had all the comforts a little fluffy friend needs.
Each day I would inquire about the status of the chicks’ exit. There was excuse after excuse as to why he hadn’t ask a girl to prom yet.
Ben became particularly attached. When, “Mom can’t we keep them”, didn’t work, he resorted to a more practical approach. “Mom, we may need these chicks for food storage,” he exclaimed. “I think I’ll just buy a case of peanut butter (protein) instead,” I refuted.
The dog was out of it’s element. She would bark and run around trying to get through the closed door where the chicks were resting. One day someone left the door open and we found her in their pen (cardboard box) staring at them. She didn’t even take a nip at them. Good dog!
Sunday night Mike finally asked to the dance. Like all boys, he had made sure the girl he was asking hadn’t been asked and delivered the invitation. Emily, scream when she answered the door with her five little sisters. Unfortunately, she had already been asked (I guess he took too long), and told Mike to come get everything to ask someone else.
In the meantime her little sisters had become very attached. These cute little fuzz balls can really melt your heart. Mike stayed at her house awhile letting the kids play with the chicks. When he finally took them, the little girls began to cry. So sad!
He took the same basket, chicks included, to ask another girl. Annie was ecstatic when she answered the door. She couldn’t stop screaming. When Mike finally talked to her she had googled how to care for them, and had them under a heat lamp. I think these cute little fluffy chicks have found a good home.
Last night while lying in bed, I thought I heard the little chicks chirping. I had told Mike to make sure that the girl he asked knew their was a "no return" policy. Luckily, it was just the smoke alarm chirping, phew! Time to replace the battery.
Now let's hope that she doesn't answer with a bunny!
Posted by browniemom at 12:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Hunger Games Mania
Fans everywhere are obsessed with the premier of the Hunger Games. Young, middle-aged, and old, are smitten with the tale of a brave girl forced to compete in sadistic Hunger Games. The games are about fighting to the end; life or death. The love triangle between Katniss, Peeta, and Gayle, keeps us in suspense and in wonder.
Lizzy and some of her friends went to the 12:15 a.m. showing. They prepared for this extravaganza weeks in advance. They designed a T-shirt appliqué on the computer, and with the help of a kind mom, printed the design out, and attached it to their T-shirt.
Posted by browniemom at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 23, 2012
When I drive past the Bountiful High School baseball field and see a game going on, my heart skips a beat. I am so sad that Mike decided not to play baseball this year. He was an exceptional player!
Year’s and years he has played the game of baseball. He has many great memories with his dad. Memories of Cooper Town; St. George tournaments; traveling to Arizona; and all the local games.
Great High School memories as well. Traveling to California; playing rain or shine; and all the great fans, players, and coaches that we miss tremendously.
He has decided to devote all his time to basketball. Not a bad choice, just sad for me that he is not playing baseball.
Posted by browniemom at 6:59 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Share Your Love
“Give your child a compliment and a hug; say, ‘I love you’ more; always express your thanks. Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved. Friends move away, children grow up, loved ones pass on. It’s so easy to take others for granted, until that day when they’re gone from our lives and we are left with feelings of ‘what if’ and ‘if only.’ …
“Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey and share our love with friends and family. One day, each of us will run out of tomorrows. Let us not put off what is most important. - President Thomas S. Monson
Posted by browniemom at 8:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 19, 2012
Comp Basketball 2012
Last year when Ben’s basketball season was a little frustrating to me, I decided to take matters into my own hands. No more luck of the draw for me. I may or may not have stalked Mitch Smith, just a little bit. I have known Mitch and Cindy Smith through mutual friends, and Mitch happened to coach an opposing team when Mike played on the Rebels. He is a fabulous coach!
Mitch played for the University of Utah from 1985 to 1989. He was a phenomenal player. He married his sweetheart Cindy and moved overseas to play professional basketball in Turkey, Spain, and Great Britain.
Mitch and Cindy’s kids happen to be the same age as most of mine. Therefore, Ben and their son Caden match up. How lucky am I!
Mitch has taken Ben under his wing. He helps calm his nerves before the games, and offers exceptional basketball tips. The kids love him! Our Assistant Coach happens to be the coach at South Davis Jr. High, another perk.
Mitch has played our team up on a 5th grade level. Most of our team consists of 3rd graders so it has been a challenge. The team has progressed rapidly. We have gone from scoring in single digits to coming within 10 of winning.
They are trying to keep this team together for further competitions. I am happy about that!
Posted by browniemom at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Lizzy made some festive cupcakes to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Of course she got the idea off our newest time waster, or is it time saver?....Pintrest. They were adorable!Sarah and I hosted a bridal shower for Megan Larsen. We love her, and are so excited for her to marry Wes next week! I got to catch up with Molly while the girls laughed about the "good old days".
Posted by browniemom at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Sleep Over At The School
Friday, I didn’t have to worry about Mike getting to school on time. Mike and his friends decided to spend the night in the Bountiful High School Parking lot.They slept in the back of their trucks. Always up for an adventure, these crazy kids!
Kate packed his gear, brought cookies to the boys at night, and bagels in the morning. What a sweet sister! No wonder Mike looks forward to her return from Happy Valley every weekend.
Fortunately, the weather was perfect for an outdoor sleepover at the school!
Posted by browniemom at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 16, 2012
Jr. Jazz 2012
What a fabulous year Ben had on his Jr. Jazz Basketball Team. He had wonderful coaches! A huge thanks to Jeff Smith, Stuart Eyring, and Shad’s dad. I know from Steve’s experience as coach how much time it takes to coach a team. I am grateful for others who willingly sacrifice of their time to ensure a great season for these boys.
Our team lost their first game, and then went on a winning streak. They never lost another game. We would like a do-over for the first game, but that’s not going to happen.
The fun thing about Jr. Jazz is, if you are a good basketball player you shine. You also get to play with your friends, and other boys from your school.
Most games we dominated. I was proud of Ben because he was a very unselfish player. He was concerned about all his other team members making a basket. He would try to pass it to the one who had not yet made a basketball to clinch a score.
Fun times in rec basketball!
Posted by browniemom at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Going Green
Today I attended Ben's 3rd Grade Program on "Going Green". The message through song and word was about the many ways we can save our planet earth. The children dressed in earth tones, marched in singing, and gave a wonderful presentation.
Well, that is all except Ben. Ben decided to be a punk or a knucklehead. That's right, he hardly sang, barely moved, and was the most noticed child for his delinquency. I think I got the only picture of him smiling.

Posted by browniemom at 10:14 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 12, 2012
Knee Surgery
Thursday I had arthroscopic knee surgery. We kept things “under the radar” so to speak, so as not to bother anyone.
Meg chaperoned me to my visit to the hospital Thursday morning at 5:30 a.m. Mike was at home being Mr. Mom, taking Lizzy to harp at 6:45 and getting Ben off to school. Friday morning Kate was home serving me breakfast in bed, taking Ben and Lizzy to piano at 7 a.m. and completing my carpool responsibilities.
I am sure had Sarah been in town, she would have been right there with the rest of the bunch.
I am so touched by the amazing children I have. When I was apologizing to Meg that morning for having to get her up so early she said, “Mom, you always do everything for us, it’s time for us to help you.” How sweet!
When Ben got home after school, he came to my room and the first thing he said was, “How long are you going to be down, because nothing’s getting done around here.” I beg to differ, I thought the kids did a fabulous job of holding down the fort.
I am feeling great! The doctor repaired a torn meniscus and removed some arthritis in my knee. I am supposed to stay down the first week, but I have been feeling so good that I have been allowing myself at least one big activity a day. I thought I would be watching movies, instead I have been sleeping a lot. I guess that’s part of the healing process.

Posted by browniemom at 4:00 PM 3 comments
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Creative Arts Academy featured the story of Cinderella for their annual ballet performance. It was performed at Bountiful High School Thursday through Saturday.
Posted by browniemom at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Mike Turns 17
I can't believe my oldest son just turned 17! Wow!
Posted by browniemom at 7:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Emery Brooke Fulks
Baby Emery Brooke Fulks was blessed on Sunday. All my children were in attendance. As I looked down the line of 9 people sitting in a row, I couldn’t believe how much our family has changed. Some children are married, some have grown a foot or two, everyone has blossomed into beautiful young women or men. They are beautiful, both inside and out!
Jodi, Emmy’s mom, has been a friend of our family for quite some time. Years ago when it was necessary for me to work I put an ad in the Clipper for a part-time nanny. I prayed and prayed that I would find the right person for our family. I knew in my heart, that when I met the right person, I would know.
Jodi, was that person. She was not only the most fabulous nanny one could ask for, but became a personal family friend as well. She became part of our family. She loved my children, and they loved her back. She would take them on adventures, hikes, to the park, and so many other fun activities. I never worried about them when they were with her.
On occasion, Jodi would even vacation with us. We have fond memories with her at Flaming Gorge, and our trip to Uncle Ron’s Ranch. Jodi always had a smile on her face and would encourage my less-than-brave kids to take a risk. Everything was more fun with Jodi.
After I quit working Jodi continued to be a part of our family. When she married her high-school sweetheart, she had all of my little ones in her wedding.
We have watched as the Fulk family has grown. Jon and Jodi now have 3 beautiful girls. She has named her 3 girls after mine, by using the same middle names - Madison Marie, Tyli Ann, and now Emery Brooke. How sweet!
At the celebration after the blessing, Jon’s mother approached me and with tears in her eyes said, “I just want you to know what a positive influence your husband was in my son’s life. I had no idea how much he had taught him. Jon admired him so much.” It was a tender moment.
We love the Fulks’ and are so happy they are a part of our lives!
Welcome, baby Emery!
Posted by browniemom at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 5, 2012
Child Restraints
Do you remember the days when you had toddlers in your home, and a child safe environment was necessary? Child restraint catches were fitted to cupboards where dangers like medicines, cleaners, matches, and pretty-much anything you did want them to get a hold of were.
I thought those days of cupboard catches were over. That was until Bella, our dog, helped herself to the doggie bones stashed away in the cupboard. Who would have thought a dog could open a cupboard and help herself to a savory snack. All the bones, labeled day one, day two etc. were gone. I wouldn’t have believed she could open the cupboard herself if she hadn’t been caught in action.
What a crazy dog! Good thing she is a cute little thing!

Posted by browniemom at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Bountiful High School State Tournament
The UHSAA 4A Boys Championship Tournament began Monday, February 27th, at the Maverik Center. Bountiful dominated the Timpview Thunderbirds with a win of 50-33 in the first round.
Wednesday, they moved on to the Quarterfinals playing the pesky Mustangs. Bountiful came out with a victory over Herriman 57-49.
Friday, the Semifinals were held, with Orem and Bountiful battling to play in the championship. Sadly, the Orem Tigers knocked out the Braves 44 to 36. It was a sad, sad, loss. I really believed that this was the Braves' year to take state. What an outstanding group of boys'! I still think we have the best 4A team out there!
Posted by browniemom at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Bad Mom
Yep, that’s what I feel like some days. Friday, I gathered all the boys’ Sunday clothes to take to the dry cleaners. I was supposed to pick their clothes up on Saturday after three but....... I forgot. If it makes any difference, Saturday was a busy day with basketball practices, ballet rehearsals, tumbling, grocery get the picture.
I even asked Siri (the I-Phone lady) to remind me. She did while I was at tumbling with Lizzy, but I forgot by the time I left. Sheesh! I remembered Sunday morning when Mike inquired about his Sunday clothes.
What to do? Right after Steve passed away, the same thing happened. Mike was only 13 at the time, so I had him wear one of my button down white shirts. He never even noticed the trick I had played on him, until he wanted to take his suit jacket off at church, and I insisted he leave it on. I knew it was a dead-give-away if he took off his jacket and people saw the darts on his shirt.
This time, he is much bigger, and my old trick was not going to work. First I had him try on some old dress pants. They fit around the waist, but were about 5 or more inches too short. We were laughing as he walked around acting like Erchel.
We quickly rummaged through some Steve’s old clothes and found some dress pants. Length wise they were perfect, but in the waist, not-so-much. Running out of options, he gathered the pants in at the waist with safety pins. I told him it wouldn’t be a good day for him to bless or pass the sacrament. We certainly didn’t want a wardrobe malfunction at church.
The next day was the first State Basketball Game. The team was of course asked to dress in their Sunday best. Same problem, same result. Poor Mike, he asked me real kindly if in the future, I would refrain from laundering his Sunday clothes. He felt like he could do it himself.
I think it’s time to a) get a key to the dry cleaners; or b) buy multiple white shirts, and dress pants.
Posted by browniemom at 5:00 PM 1 comments