Christmas time is filled with traditions, many traditions that have been handed down for generations. Christmas Eve is one of those times when tradition is at it’s pinnacle.
We continue many of the Grandma Wagstaff's Family traditions, celebrating on the Eve of Christmas. Family bonding is in abundance, with cousins, and extended family getting reacquainted, and catching up on the latest, and greatest. Children and adults alike relish in the great food and company.
Hors d’oeuvres, are plentiful. Each Aunt plans and prepares her favorite homemade appetizer to share. One appetizer that remains the same is the shrimp. Big luscious, mouth watering shrimp, awaiting to be devoured. Just like the good ole days.
Christmas Eve with Grandma Wagstaff was very similar. Relatives progressed from table to table consuming their favorite appetizers. The table with the shrimp was always the most popular. That was until visitors noticed a small problem. Usually the shrimp was still frozen, and Grandma would sit at the table in her jovial style biting into the shrimp, and spewing them back into the bowl.
If you were a newcomer, and weren’t familiar with Grandma’s spewing of the shrimp, you were shocked and alarmed by such a discovery. It didn’t seem to bother Grandma, she would laugh and continue on as if she had not a care in the world.
You would think that Grandma would make sure that the shrimp was unthawed and ready for the party each year. Each year the frozen shrimp would arrive, only to unthaw by the end of the party. It was a common sight to see bits of half eaten shrimp line the bowl, which made it less than appetizing.
While traditions continue, we are grateful that now the shrimp is ONLY frozen, not half eaten. No more spewing of the shrimp at Christmas time.
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