Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The "Tag Team"

Friday afternoon Meg, Sarah, Lizzy and I went to lunch and shopping. We wanted it to be a girl’s afternoon out, but Kate had another engagement. Mike and Kate were left home to tend Ben. I specifically told Kate before I left that when she left Mike needed to be home and vice versa.

The tag team didn’t work out as planned. While I was gone, Ben somehow got left home alone. He didn’t mind. Mitch (his backdoor neighbor friend), and Ben played baseball in the backyard, placing high wagers on their game. Whoever lost had to make a cup of noodle for the other.

Ben was defeated, and went to the kitchen to make the noodles. He carefully placed the Styrofoam cup in the microwave, turned it on for 3 minutes, and left to continue playing.

When they smelled smoked, they raced in the kitchen, opened the microwave, only to find the Styrofoam cup disintegrated. They carefully picked up the smoldering rubble with oven mitts and carried it to the outside trash can.

When I returned home from my lovely afternoon out, I panicked when I opened the door to my home. The stench, and fumes from the burning cup a noodle reeked! I began the question process, “What happened?” I snapped. “I cooked a cup of noodle in the microwave and forgot to add water,” Ben replied. “Who was tending?” I sneered. “No one,” Ben responded.

Obviously, the tag team didn’t work out so well.