Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Second Grade Friend Program

Mrs. Whiteside's second grade class presented a delightful program on Friends. It taught, as well as entertained.
After watching the program, I had a few observations:
(1) Ben seems really old for his age.
(2) His voice is very deep.
(3) Most kids his age are very animated…..him...not so much.. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
(5) He does not like the camera rolling for programs. (Note the eyes purposely shut)
I do hope that although he may not love preforming, that he has learned something from his Friend Program, and is a good friend to everyone.


Laura said...

He does seem old for his age. The girl right before him in the videos seems way littler and younger than him. Also Ally is one year younger in school. I kept thinking that she would not fit into a second grade classroom making me feel better about not pushing her ahead in school. I think it is good that he is mature. Boys generally take longer to mature and I think it is the reason some of them can be so hard. He is a cute boy. I don't even know him and he makes my heart melt.

linda said...

What a cute program! I didn't know Mrs.Whitesides was still teaching. She is Darren's all-time favorite teacher!