Katelyn got answered to the Senate dance with a fish bowl containing two fish. In the bowl was a sign that said, "YES". The fish bowl was dropped off on the doorstep. Luckily, Sarah got the door just as the cat was ready to put his pretty little paw in the water. Whew.....saved! The nice young man even left fish food for us, to make sure both fish were well taken care of. Sarah decided one fish was hers since she answered the door. She named it Toby. The other fish.....well it didn't make it long enough to be given a name.
That night someone (we won't name who), dropped a couple kernels of canned corn in the fish bowl. This person thought fish liked corn. REALLY? Maybe this person should have given the fish a hot bath with soap and water too. Anyway, sad day, no more fish. Up two pets, down to pets, all in a days time.
Haha...you guys go through fish faster than we do. Good to know that corn doesn't work so well. :) We'll remember that for the future.
Let us have a moment of silence for your precious finned friends...okay, now we can laugh! ;)
I'll name that person... QUINN!! Oh what a genius I married!
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