Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Friends and Family

I love my friends and family! These are just a FEW
of the services and kindnesses I have been a recipient of:
  1. Landscaping: My yard not only is taken care of weekly, but the leaves magically disappeared, fall clean up completed, and we are all ready for the snow.
  2. Yummy desserts and meals.
  3. Handyman work: Fence repairs, sprinkler repairs, and all sorts of odds and ends in my house.
  4. Plumbing.: My Plumber not only takes care of our plumbing needs, but when he sees other maintenance needs in our house, he takes care of them too. He calls to check on us, to make sure everything is working well.
  5. HVAC - My HVAC man makes sure we are never without heat, even if it means coming the very next morning (early) to replace a blower on a furnace.
  6. Legal assistance: I have the BEST legal assistance. He is so generous with his time and talents.
  7. Dental and doctors assistance.
  8. Wedding planners.
  9. Psychologist: I always have someone I can talk to and share my thoughts and concerns with.
  10. Financial Advisors: Those who keep me on budget.
  11. Those who take my boys fishing, camping, and hunting.
  12. Those who employ my girls and support them in preparing for dances, school, etc.
  13. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Those who are always there to cheer me up, take me on an excursion, help with my kids, assist with projects, and are just always available.

I love you all!