Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rec Specs

What the heck are rec specs anyway? Well, if your child can’t see, and he chooses to play sports, you learn rather quickly.

I have been aware of Ben’s vision limitations for quite some time. He has glasses, but refuses to wear them to school, or pretty much anywhere. Now that he is getting older (9), it becomes more apparent of his need for vision correction while participating in sports.

I have never heard of rec specs. I had to become informed (phoned a friend) of what was the appropriate vision correction for sports. Ben was resistant at first. Thank heavens for his coaches encouragement. He now owns a pair of rec spec. They are supposedly indestructible, and they tint if the sun is shining, making them perfect sunglasses for baseball.

His coach informed me that he is now hitting 1000. Things have changed a little, but he is still hitting well with his new "sunglasses". I think he looks mighty cute!


Bexie Funk said...

he looks very cool. I'm just glad my kids are so blind they really don't have a choice but to wear their glasses!