Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Test Run

My days of mothering infants are long gone. Since my babies are grown, I am more aware of other’s children crying and fussing around me. I have often wondered if I am going to enjoy being a grandmother.

We had a test run this weekend with a baby that Sarah is Nanning. She bathed him, fed him, and played with him at our house. His popularity was abundant, and we had so much fun with him!

Baby Cade happens to have the mildest disposition. I am not sure I have ever heard him cry. I am sure he does on occasion, but it is rare.

Besides his mild disposition, I attribute his good behavior on his mother’s ability to keep him on a strict schedule and the marvelous, wonderful, miracle blanket. If you are a young mother and don’t own one, I would highly recommend this blanket. It soothes, and comforts your little one, making him feel safe and secure.

Test run successful……ready for grandmother-hood.


MOM THE BOMB said...

Is that an announcement?

linda said...

When it happens you will LOVE being a's truly one of the best things that has ever happened to me-their smiles, hugs and unconditional love are the best!!