Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Monday, November 7, 2011


Remember this, and that? Friday at basketball practice Mike sprained his ankle again! Fortunately, it is not a very bad sprain. However, it happens to be the week before basketball tryouts for Bountiful High School.

Last year he missed playing a good portion of the basketball season due to his 3 times sprained ankle, and the recovery of a broken ankle. I would hate for this year to follow suit.

Some teenage boys are convinced that not wearing an ankle brace during basketball practices and games is inconsequential. They believe that a weakened ankle will not be re-injured. However, history proves them wrong every time.

I heard that NBA players are fined if they don’t wear ankle braces while playing. Hmm….my wheels are turning, not a bad idea.


Bexie Funk said...

we weren't allowed to play in high school with out them. our coaches rule and the one time someone didn't she sprained her ankle the day of playoffs. i promise they work!