Mike elected not to have an Eagle Court of Honor. I thought it was appropriate to acknowledge him in some way for his hard work and effort in obtaining his Eagle Scout.
Eagle Scout Award
Eagle Project
Mike and Steve contacted the Head Start Organization to procure a list of families that may need help with Christmas, 2007. They sent letters to friends and family to donate money for this cause. Originally, they had committed to assist 4 families. Due to the tremendous amount of donations, they were able to provide gifts for 8 families. They were also able to buy a few household appliances for those in need. It was a tender experience delivering the gifts to these families. There were tears of joy as the families received their gifts. What a rewarding project both for Mike and the recipients.
The scouts helping Mike wrap gifts for 8 families for Christmas 2007.
Receiving the "Big Friend, Youth Mentor of The Year Award.
Life rank advancement.
Star rank advancement.
Cutest Cub Scouts
A tribute to Mike
Michael is a boy that is every mother's dream. He is a great person both inside and out. He is not only a handsome boy, but has such a tender heart. He quietly goes about doing good. He is not a person that enjoys receiving accolades. When he receives an award, compliment, or any other recognition, he discreetly and graciously accepts it. You may find Michael assisting an elderly widow with her yard, cheerfully completely his church duties, supporting his family and friends, and doing more than his fair share around the house. He sees something that needs to be done, and does it without being asked.
He is such a great mentor to his little brother, Ben. Ben admires Mike, and wants to pal around with him. Michael graciously indulges him. He teaches him about sports, and about life. Ben couldn't ask for a better mentor in his life.
Mike is a great athlete. He is very competitive, but he is also a great sport. No matter which way the game goes, he always keeps a positive attitude. He is a loyal team player, that takes pleasure in other's success as well as his own.
Mike is on the High Honor Roll at Muller Park Junior High School. He excels in both academics and sports. He participates in the Science Club, as well as other school clubs. He is a well-rounded student.
Mike is wise beyond his years. He is courteous and kind to those around him. He is a loyal friend and family member. He supports his siblings and is always available to help them. He is a sweet, fun-loving, great son, that is always watching out for my needs and feelings. He has a great sense of humor, and is fun to be around.
Mike has a strong testimony of the gospel. He studies the scriptures and gospel principles, but also applies them in his life. You couldn't ask for a better son than Michael.
Steve was a very "hands-on" Dad assisting Mike with the scouting program. The merit badges, awards, Eagle, and other accolades he received for scouting, was not only from assistance from great scout leaders, but from an exceptional Dad. I know he is so proud of Mike. I'm sure he is smiling down upon him. We love you Mike!
Wonderful achievement, Mike! We're SO proud of you!
Michael is seriously one of the most amazing people I know. He has influenced my life in so many ways. I have been touched by his goodness many times. His example has impressed everyone in our family, especially me. I can recall many experiences of Michael's strength and love shown in difficult situations. Jon only can say good things about him after they have hung out. (I think he secretly wishes he was 14 so he could hang out with Michael more.) I am so proud of him! Not just for his Eagle award (which is pretty awesome!) but for the amazing young man he is. We love you Michael!
Way to go! What an awesome guy.
Wow! Congrats Michael! That's a huge accomplishment. What an amazing guy! I love the tribute to him.
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