Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Mike...The Eagle Scout

Eagle Project
Mike and Steve contacted the Head Start Organization to procure a list of families that may need help with Christmas, 2007. They sent letters to friends and family to donate money for this cause. Originally, they had committed to assist 4 families. Due to the tremendous amount of donations, they were able to provide gifts for 8 families. They were also able to buy a few household appliances for those in need. It was a tender experience delivering the gifts to these families. There were tears of joy as the families received their gifts. What a rewarding project both for Mike and the recipients.

Receiving the "Big Friend, Youth Mentor of The Year Award.

Life rank advancement.

Star rank advancement.
Cutest Cub Scouts
Mike has a strong testimony of the gospel. He studies the scriptures and gospel principles, but also applies them in his life. You couldn't ask for a better son than Michael.
Posted by browniemom at 1:23 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Moving Forward With Faith
A friend of mine recommended that I read this article today. The article is titled, "Widows and Widowers, Moving Forward with Faith." I thought it was a huge coincidence that my new years resolution for this year was to "Move Forward with Faith". This article is specifically for Widows and Widowers, but I think the same principles can be applied for anyone struggling with significant trials in their lives.
The article discusses ways in which we can move forward with our temporal lives when life's burden seem too great to bear. There are several suggestions in this article of how to move forward with faith. All of the suggestions are wonderful, but some in particular have given me hope and encouragement.
It discusses the temple as being a place to find strength and peace. I feel peace, comfort and strength when I attend the temple often. I find it to be a place that I feel particularly close to my husband. What joy and contentment I feel to know that I am sealed to my husband for eternity. One of my greatest blessings is to know of the eternal nature of my family.
It also discussed finding joy in life. It is difficult to feel joy after experiencing a great loss. My greatest joy in life is my children. I enjoy being involved with the things they love, and watching them grow and develop both physically and spiritually. I find pleasure in simple things in life, and in spending time with those I love.
To move forward with faith to me, means that we may not know all the answers to difficult questions in this life, but we believe in the principles of the gospel, and have faith that it will all work out in the end. It is through reading the scriptures, praying, and living the gospel principles that our faith is strengthen.
I am grateful for the "earthly angels" that ease my burdens. I am blessed to be surrounded by amazing people who continue to serve our family and include us in their lives.
Posted by browniemom at 10:39 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sweet Dreams
Dreams are, " a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep." Since Steve has been gone my dreams have not always been positive, many may even be defined as night terrors. I don't always have these terrifying night mares, or night terrors, and I am always grateful to have "sweet dreams". I have a predilection for nice, warm, comforting dreams about Steve. I rarely speak about my dreams, but one in particular this week was heart warming.
I dream that I had moved into a new area, and new house. The house was located on the very top of a beautiful mountain. The skies were sunny, blue, and bright, and the view was spectacular. I felt as if I was sitting on top of the world. Those I loved and cherished lived around me. My house was a new modern abode, but the one thing it was lacking was landscaping. This big beautiful house was surrounded by nothing but dirt.
One day I came home to find my new house completely landscaped. It had stunning shrubs, towering trees, and bright, colorful, flowers. Steve was there planting my favorite flowers, and making our home beautiful. My excitement from the beautiful landscaping dissipated, as I realized Steve was home. I was so overwhelmed with joy and excitement to have him home again.
This dream reminded me of an experience several years ago. Meagan's high school graduation trip consisted of a wonderful trip to New York City with Annie and Mindy Wilson. We had a fabulous time. We enjoyed spending time together and exploring the sites of the City. When Meagan and I returned from our trip, we drove up to our house only to find beautiful flowers planted by Steve. He knew how much I loved flowers, and wanted to surprise me. What a great surprise it was.
I pray for "sweet dreams" when I am sad or lonely. I delight in seeing Steve, and feeling connected with him. The good dreams are always calm, peaceful, and filled with joy. It's hard to face reality when I wake up from them. I love "sweet dreams", and hope they continue.
Posted by browniemom at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Mike's MPJH's Basketball Experience
He had a great season, being among one of the top in scoring, and assists. Not only was he a great athlete, but showed great sportsmanship as well.
Tibits From MPJH Basketball Games 2009
Best Fans
Posted by browniemom at 3:35 PM 4 comments
Saturday, January 2, 2010
This holiday break I have been able to view several movies. There are two that have been truly inspirational.
The Blind Side: What an inspiring movie. I am sure it will become a classic film. I was astonished by the amount of charity that the Tuohys' had towards a homeless 18 year old that came from a broken home. They trusted in their hearts, took in uneducated, tender hearted, stranger, and helped him fulfill his potential. Oher's presence in the Tuohys' lives leads them to some self-discoveries of their own. They realize that charity benefits them and changes their lives more than it does Oher.
Invictus: Another inspiring movie. The title of this movie comes from the poem Invictus. The word invictus means "unconquered" in Latin. The final two lines of the poem read, "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” Nelson Mandela had this poem written on a piece of paper he kept during his years in a South African prison. The words kept him going.
Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) used his support of the Rugby team, as a way to mend the scars of the past and build toward a united nation. Despite his trials and challenges in life, he is positive, kind and caring. He forgives consequential persecution of 27 years in prison as well as many other indiscretions . Mandela is surprisingly heart-warming, and wants to be a friend to all. Among other things, I learned a lot about unity, kindness, positive attitude, and perseverance from this movie. The most important thing I learned was forgiveness. One of my favorite quotes from this movie is: "Forgiveness liberates the soul......that is why it is such a powerful weapon." Forgiveness not only changes the heart of a person, but it can (in Nelson Mandela's case) change a nation. As the poem reads, "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul." We have the choice to let forgiveness liberate our soul or imprison it.
Posted by browniemom at 5:51 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
New Year's is a time to reflect on the past year, evaluate your achievement of goals, and make new resolutions. The years 2008, and 2009, have been very difficult years, almost unbearable. I have been able to do difficult things, that I really didn't want to have to do. While I have accepted my challenges, I have learned the importance of simplicity in life, to appreciate the little things. I don't take life for granted anymore. I embrace each new day, knowing that we most certainly don't know what tomorrow will bring. I also appreciate loving, nurturing, relationships more than ever. I enjoy spending time with those I love. I cherish those whom I admire and adore.
My goal for this year is very simple, Move Forward With Faith. My faith has increased one hundred fold, and I hope it continues to grow. I hope to be a better person this year than I was last year. I hope to be more faithful, more understanding, more kind, and more charitable. Just a better person, making the world a better place.
Posted by browniemom at 7:41 PM 3 comments