Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Oryx

Steve loved the outdoors and especially loved hunting. He enjoyed spending time with his friends sharing stories and engaging in great conversation while pursuing the biggest and the best animal. Several years ago, Steve went Oryx hunting in New Mexico with his friend Justin Peterson. I have never heard of an Oryx before and was questioning the validity of an Oryx hunt altogether, but indulged him.

Steve had a successful hunt a brought back his prized Oryx. He had the taxidermist prepare it to hang proudly in his office at work. The employees at The Summit Group were amused with his possession, and found it humorous to decorate the Oryx. This is a picture of the Oryx graduating from the University of Utah. Steve enjoyed coming to work each holiday or on a special occasion to find his Oryx decorated to fit the occasion. The employees have fondly embraced Steve's love of his Oryx.

I am not quite sure what happened on the Oryx hunt with Justin. I have been told, that the Las Vegas adage "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas", applies to hunting as well. I do know that whatever happened on the Oryx hunt, Steve was banned by law enforcement officers to ever hunt in New Mexico again.