Thursday, April 29, 2010
Lizzy's Harp Recital
Posted by browniemom at 6:37 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
No More Quandry
Remember this post? Well, things just seemed to work out.... and I'm pleading the fifth. My confidence in humanity, and the education system has gone up a notch.
Posted by browniemom at 4:23 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
I know there are many who have lost a loved one, I am not alone in the grief process. I have been inspired, by woman, some I know only through blogging, some by introductions by friends, of their strength through their this process. What I have learned, is while there are many ways in which we are similar in the way we grieve; we are also unique and individual, and experience grief in different ways. A young widow describes her grief in this article. Another mother shares her thoughts titled When Someone You Love Is Bereaved in her side bar on her blog.
We are all in different places in the grieving journey. Some of us are further along the path, and others may have experienced bumps both large and small along the way. Wherever we are, and whatever we are feeling at this moment, it is important to respect where each person is in their journey. Though this journey may be a difficult one, it is nice to know that it is people and our faith that makes the journey bearable.
A speaker at Steve's funeral talked about the importance of people in our lives. People who would serve us, but more importantly people with whom we should serve. We were encouraged to serve and be mindful of others. His advice was, as we prayed for others, served others, particularly those in our family, our grief would be lightened, and we would feel comforted by the Holy Ghost. We would find joy not only by those serving us, but by us serving others. By keeping the commandments, praying, and serving others we were promised the comforter. I am grateful to be able to feel the comforter in my life.
He also taught us from the scripture John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." We will not be left comfortless.
The passing of my spouse has been the most difficult trial I have been through. It was not in my plan, and has been hard for me to accept. When put my trust in the Lord, and embrace his plan, I have feel peace and comfort.
Many times we wonder how we can possible get through such a tragedy. Another scripture touched upon in his address was D & C , Section 42. Paraphrasing, it states that, those that have faith to be healed and not appointed unto death, shall be healed. No worthy man dies before his time. This has given me great comfort, at such a difficult time.
Grief is a continuing journey. It ebbs and flows. The level of sorrow may lessen as time passes, but it will never completely go away. There will always be reminders of our loss, memories of an amazing father, husband, friend, bishop, colleague, and family member. I always want to keep those memories alive.
Someday I might be as brave as these other woman and write about specifics about bereavement, however, for now, I am still learning and observing.
Posted by browniemom at 9:01 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Random Acts of Kindness
This afternoon I was returning from errands, when I turned on my street, only to find two amazing people raking pine needles from my grass. I don't know how long they had been there, but how thoughtful and kind. They never called to ask if I needed help, because quite frankly I would have probably told them that we were just fine. They dropped by, did a kind deed, and quietly left. I feel full of gratitude to live around such wonderful people. I am the recipient of many kindness, and greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Alex and Lisa!
Posted by browniemom at 1:45 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Easter Bunny
Katelyn in in aprons, and newspaper down.

Grandma and Grandpa Brown's Easter Party was another hit this year, with fabulous food, and an extraordinary Easter egg hunt. The older boys loved finding eggs in an actual bird's nest at the top of a tree. There was even a treasure hunt for the older kids. (Kate in charge again..gotta love that girl.)
Posted by browniemom at 9:49 PM 2 comments
Easter Sunday
Easter lilies are abounding in symbolism. They are symbolic to spring, new life, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They are not only beautiful, but their fresh fragrance fills your home with the aroma of spring. We took an Easter lily to Steve's grave today remembering the hope the Resurrection brings us.
There are a few quotes from the article, In Christ Shall All Be made Alive, that bring me peace. They are as follows:
"Everyone seeks certainty in a world of doubt. Thus, Easter is a reminder of the certainty of life: life after loss, life after grief, life after death. The late President Gordon B. Hinckley declared: “We know not all that lies ahead of us. We live in a world of uncertainty. … But one thing we do know. Like the Polar Star in the heavens, regardless of what the future holds, there stands the Redeemer of the world, the Son of God, certain and sure as the anchor of our immortal lives” (Ensign, March 2008).
Thus, the only thing more certain than death is the certainty of life. Moreover, the redemption of mankind from death is not a limited promise to a few but a universal covenant with all. The apostle Paul proclaimed that “as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22). Likewise, President Thomas S. Monson, worldwide leader of the Church, said, “Because our Savior died at Calvary, death has no hold upon any one of us” (Ensign, May 2007).
As I mourn the loss of my husband, these passages bring me comfort, and peace. I know for certain that my "Sunday" will come. The difficult days will get better.
I am grateful to know that we will be united with him again.
Posted by browniemom at 8:19 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Birthday Katelyn

Matthew, Stephanie, Jordan, Katelyn, and Laura (not shown in this picture)

Katelyn's First Birthday.
Posted by browniemom at 11:04 PM 2 comments