Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Kate's Birthday

Kate turned 22 this year! Her birthday fell on the Sunday we were leaving for St. George for Spring Break.  We had to leave her behind for a job interview at LDS Hospital. I wanted to wait until the next day to go, but she insisted that we start on our way.

Kate is "the boss"!  She keeps us laughing with her funny little voices, and tries to keep everyone on task and in line.  She has it all, she is smart, funny, beautiful, and has a strong testimony of the gospel.  We love having Kate back!

Sunday, her actual birthday, we decorated her room, displayed birthday balloons, and gave her birthday gifts.  Sarah and Jordan had her to dinner. Aren't siblings great!

After returning from Spring Break, the celebration continued with her favorite meal and cake.

We were happy when Kate got the job she interviewed for, and will start to work at LDS Hospital in Oncology in the near future.


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