Invitation to Ben's Baptism

Ben's baptism came with much anticipation. Ben talked about his baptism only days after Steve's passing. Ben had just turned 6 two days before Steve passed away, but many of his questions and thoughts were about his baptism. I think his questions were Ben's way of expressing his feelings about the loss of his dad. He missed him, and continues to miss him, so much.
Ben wanted to know who was going to baptize him. My heart broke into a million pieces, as I quietly told him he could choose whoever he wanted to baptize him. He wanted his big brother, Michael, to baptize him. What a great choice that would have been. However, I knew that if we baptized him in September of 2010, that Mike wouldn't be old enough to perform that ordinance.
Eight months after Steve's passing Meagan married Quinn. Quinn is such a delight to have in our family. He quickly become an important part of our family, and has been like a brother to Ben. As the time for baptism approached, it was an easy choice for Ben to choose Quinn to baptize him, and Grandpa Brown to confirm him. Two of his favorite men in his life were able to participate in the ordiances on this special day.
As Ben's baptism grew closer I began to be filled with anxiety about the day. I wanted it to be a perfect day for Ben, but I knew we would miss Steve's presence.
We were so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family members in attendance at Ben's baptism. I'm not sure if I stopped crying the entire time. My heart broke as I watched all the baptism candidates sitting next to their dads.
Our home teacher talked at the service. He gave a great talk on baptism, but also talked about ministering angels, (specifically Steve) that were present. You could feel Steve's presence, you knew he was there watching, and so proud of Ben.
Quinn did a great job baptizing Ben, and Steve's dad gave a wonderful confirmation. Meagan and I were able to say a few words after the ordinances were performed. It was a very spiritual day for our family. We were so grateful to be able to share it with great friends and family.
Afterwords, we were able to celebrate at our house. The festivities were great! I hope with all my heart, that Ben will always remember his baptism as a happy, special day.