Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Nana's Day Out

Forget the households duties, the cleaning, the cooking. Today was a beautiful Spring day, and was all about having a great time with my one and only grandchild. After a week off, we are back together again. I decided to start the tending week off right with a "Nana's Day Out."  First on our agenda was watching the MPJH school cheer team perform at an assemble. The assembly was introducing the wrestlers, that they cheered for enthusiastically.

Next up, Station Park in Farmington.  The animated movie Frozen was our main purpose for choosing Station Park.  We arrived early and found numerous forms of entertainment.  I may or may not have gone down the playground slide with Masson, not once, but twice, as the fashionable, preppy moms stared.  The fountains were another fascination.  The fountains danced to music, like those at the Balligio Hotel in Las Vegas.

Time may have gotten away from us when we were exploring the wonders of Station Park.  I quickly bought our tickets for the 11:05 showing of Frozen, purchased a kids pack for Mason, and took our seats in theatre 10.

Mason had a fabulous time, sitting in a big chair with his popcorn and juice, watching the previews.  As we settled in, I noticed that many of the previews were inappropriate for young children.  Some were R rated.  I made a mental note to bend the ear of the Manager on my way out for showing inappropriate previews to children watching a rated G movie.

The movie finally started, I could feel my face go red, and a rush of panic come over me as we began watching "About Last Night', which was definitely rated R.  I packed up as fast as I could and bolted from the movie theatre.  Mason was a little whinny and irritated about the mad dash for the doors.  He was enjoying himself. When we got in the hallway I realized we were in theatre 11 not 10.

MPJH Cheer Team
Station Park Playground

The Fountains
Enjoying the Previews


MOM THE BOMB said...

Good thing Mason is so young! What a fun grandma!