Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Queen's Bath

The Queen's Bath is one of Princeville's favorite attractions. The short 10 minute hike is beautiful as you pass a waterfall down a rocky landscape to the lava rock.  Another 5 minute trek over lava rocks leads to the bath.  The bath is about the size of a swimming pool.  It is a natural tide pool with some fish in the bath. Water spills over the lava rocks to refresh the pool. Although the scenery and bath are a pleasant summer time excursion, like many ocean attractions the area should be approached with caution.

Mike quietly took a picture of this plaque along the trail numbering the drownings, and deaths.  It was a good thing I saw this one on way up the trail rather than on the way down.
Stunning view from above.
I was slow in my approach to the tide pool.  Before I could ask if it was safe, Ben was jumping off the rocks.  I was quite surprised by his bravery.

Enjoying the pool.
Another beautiful view.
Shopping and lunching at Hanalei.
Shopping at flea markets on the way back to our resort; Ben's traditional mermaid pose; and coke relief.