Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lizzy Turns 14

Lizzy's cute friends decorated her room on Saturday for her birthday.  It was a big surprise! They came while Lizzy was performing in CAA Benefit Concert.  She came home to posters, and decorations abounding her room.

Lizzy chose Temple Square and City Creek Shopping Center to entertain us on her actual birthday.  Monday night was the perfect night to grab some Chick fil a, and view the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations.  It was pleasantly warm, with manageable crowds. We took our time, exploring the nativities, lights, and decorated windows.

Her family birthday gift was a bunch of girlie, girl stuff:  a hair melt, a pea coat, and a curling wand.  Her siblings provided her with fashionable clothing, and the cutest owl hat.  Meagan's talented mother-in-law made it for Quinn and Meagan to give Lizzy - absolutely adorable!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful baby girl! Love you Lizzy Lou!

Lizzy's friends
City Creek
Macey's Candy Windows

Temple Square
Owl hats made by Deeanne Cottle, hair melt, and clothes.
Happy Birthday Lizzy!