I admire sports enthusiasts, I am one. I enjoy hearing the roars from the crowd, applauds for their team, and the encouragement of sports players. I think positive reinforcement is valuable to players. However, I don’t believe in dishonest accolades, I believe in authentic enthusiasm and praise.
My pet peeve to hear from a young players fan is a comment such as, “Great shot little buddy,” when clearly the child was not even close to hitting the rim of the basketball hoop. Instead couldn’t a fan say, “Good hustle”, “great dribbling”, "nice try", or another truthful comment? I believe that the player knows when their parent or fan is not being truthful.
There are plenty of opportunities for positive comments, let’s just be truthful about it. Enough said.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
My Opinion about Sports Enthusiasts
Posted by browniemom at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday
My children have been obsessed with Black Friday. I have been a participant once, and once was enough. Sarah and Jordan spent hours waiting in line at Walmart to purchase video games at the best price of the season. The plastic wrapped displays of games were moved 4 different times. As each move occurred the crowd raged to better their position in line. On the last move Sarah was pushed to the ground and nearly trampled. That is when they decided that saving $20 was not worth the torment.
Mike and his friends went, but were more successful (maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were not shopping at Walmart). They arrived a little late, so many of his (my) wanted purchases were already gone. He did survive with a few good deals.
Lizzy begged me to take her, but I resisted. I told her to go with someone who wanted to go. She found a friend and her family to tag along with. She was out merely for the experience, and had quite an adventure returning home at 4:00 a.m.
Friday morning, I ventured out with the Muir’s to purchase a replacement laptop computer for myself. I converted to an Apple computer (yay me), and hope it is all I have built it up to be. On Black Friday, computers are sold at a reduced price, so it was important to purchase it today. I was very intimidated in the Apple Store, and was grateful to have Dale and Linda there to assist with my purchase.
Everything is electronically done in the Apple Store. When your purchase is being processed, the clerk orders your computer from the back room on his electronic device, and it magically appears. He then held up his device and said, “If you could just sign with your finger.” I proceeded to press my fingerprint on his device for a signature. “Umm… you need to sign with your finger,” he stated with a smile.
Maybe I should have been embarrassed, as everyone had a good laugh. But, with all the high tech going on, I assumed we were REALLY going high tech like they do on the television show NCIS. When an agent finds a dead body on NCIS, they press the individual’s finger on an electronic device, and the device identifies the person. I guess I’m just a little ahead of the times.
Posted by browniemom at 9:08 PM 2 comments
Thanksgiving Feast
The tables were set with fine liens and their best china. The candles in the Thanksgiving centerpieces were illuminated to create a warm ambiance, while the smell of succulent turkey baking filled the air.
After our stomach’s were full we: Watched a presentation by Kate about her trip to Ghana...

Participated in ping-pong tournaments, and played "coin games".

and.....Tried to pull off a Turkey Bowl.
I am Thankful for family, friends,the gospel, my belief of eternal life, and my abundant blessings
Posted by browniemom at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thanksgiving Eve day is here, the preparation for the Thanksgiving Feast begins. Men and women begin to flutter about the kitchen baking their famous rolls or pies, and assembling traditional salads or side dishes.
This Thanksgiving Eve I should be baking specialty pies. Instead, last night I decided to be L-A-Z-Y and have the Lion House bake my pies. When I called to place my order, the young man laughed a little and said, “Special orders are now closed. However, you may come by tomorrow before 10, get in line, and your requests will be handled on a first-come-first-serve basis.”
My “special order” was meager, but we still ventured out this morning to purchase the delicious, and famous, Lion House pies. Lizzy and I were pleased to be first in line, as we watched the line expand to the street.
Today, among other things, I am grateful for: Free parking downtown and delightful, homemade pies from the Lion House Pantry.
Baking wasn’t a complete bust; Lizzy couldn’t have Thanksgiving without making Grandma Brown’s famous molasses Turkey Cookies. They turned out just like Grandma’s, delicious!.
Today I decided our family should involve ourselves in some service this Thanksgiving. I called the Rescue Mission to inquire about serving food on Thanksgiving Day to the homeless. It warmed my heart to hear that the non-procrastinators were signed up and ready to serve. The list for volunteers was full.
Instead our family took a turkey down to the Salt Lake Food Bank. While at the Food Bank, I was impressed again, as I watched several groups of volunteers come to assist. I love to watch the goodness of others. Mike and the Varsity Bountiful High Basketball team will be serving the residences at South Davis Community Hospital on Friday. What a great group of young men.
I am thankful for many things, but this year especially thankful for the goodness of humanity.
Posted by browniemom at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 18, 2011
Meet the Players Night 2011

Preseason begins next week. From Preseason we move on to Region games, and hopefully wrap up the basketball season in the State Tournaments in March. Mike is on the JV and Varsity teams. With Bountiful High School games every Tuesday, and Friday, and Ben’s basketball every Wednesday, I am in for a very fun and busy few months. Let it begin!
Posted by browniemom at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Bandit
There has been another sighting of our unwanted, nocturnal, predator, aka THE RACCOON. Guests visiting after dark are astonished by the size of this beast. Sarah and Jordan where shocked last night to encounter one enormous raccoon as well as a smaller one.
Besides a quick glimpse from my children, there have been other suspicions that a raccoon has been housed in my yard. First, our trusty cat Snowball was severely injured in a fight of some sort. Second, the brand new patio cushions that I received for Mother’s Day have been shredded. Stuffing was strewn all over the lawn, and teeth and claw marks are now embedded in what is left of the cushions.
Let me take you back to the summer of 2006 when I first knew that we had raccoons lodging in our yard.
The summer of 2006 we were completing a remodel job on the main level of our home. The remodel included new stainless steel appliances, counter tops, new carpet, and a fresh coat of paint in a new shade.
Amidst the remodel, we went to our summer vacation to Newport Beach. Meg, who was in college at the time, had to return early from our vacation.
Her first night home she heard a loud thumping noise on the stairs leading to my room where she was sleeping. Thinking it may be an intruder, (and instead of calling 911), she opened the door to my room only to come eye to eye with an enormous raccoon standing upright on its hind legs.
She screams, slammed the door to my room shut, and called me in California hysterical. Not knowing what to do myself, I told her to call the police, and to mention she was home alone. The Bountiful Police came to the rescue. By this time, this crazy critter had forced himself back in the heating vents away from his capturers. The raccoon was nowhere to be found.
The next day, Steve contacted Animal Control who placed a trap in our house to hopeful imprison the ravenous beast. We came home the next day, long enough to leave Sarah behind, and continue our vacation to another destination – Flaming Gorge.
At 3:00 a.m. I received another frantic call. This time it was from Sarah informing me that she could hear the raccoon vandalizing our home. She was too afraid to open the door to my bedroom to check on the damage done.
Our faithful neighbors were called in the wee hours of the morning for assistance. They turned up the heat, and waited for the raccoon to emerge from the vent. When the raccoon didn’t appear, they put flour on the floor by the exterior back door, and kept the door open all night. Raccoons are quite smart, and were not one bit interested in the trap.
In the morning the damage was assessed. Many raccoon tracks were found in the flour indicating that the raccoon had finally left. The raccoon left but not without chewing all the newly repaired and painted door trims, cutting himself on one of the many items he damaged and launching splotches of blood from his injury all over the newly painted house. The house appeared as if a thief had been vandalizing our home.
The black mask across the face of the raccoon is highly appropriate for these mischievous bandits. Until I determine how to remove these creatures from their lodging arrangements, beware of the dark at my house.
Posted by browniemom at 3:28 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Signs of Winter
We had our first big snow of the season last week. It was just enough snow, for Ben and his friend to make their first snowman of the year. With more snow predicted in the near future, I hope to see much more evidence of children playing in my yard.
Posted by browniemom at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Test Run
My days of mothering infants are long gone. Since my babies are grown, I am more aware of other’s children crying and fussing around me. I have often wondered if I am going to enjoy being a grandmother.
We had a test run this weekend with a baby that Sarah is Nanning. She bathed him, fed him, and played with him at our house. His popularity was abundant, and we had so much fun with him!
Baby Cade happens to have the mildest disposition. I am not sure I have ever heard him cry. I am sure he does on occasion, but it is rare.
Besides his mild disposition, I attribute his good behavior on his mother’s ability to keep him on a strict schedule and the marvelous, wonderful, miracle blanket. If you are a young mother and don’t own one, I would highly recommend this blanket. It soothes, and comforts your little one, making him feel safe and secure.
Test run successful……ready for grandmother-hood.
Posted by browniemom at 7:48 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 7, 2011
Remember this, and that? Friday at basketball practice Mike sprained his ankle again! Fortunately, it is not a very bad sprain. However, it happens to be the week before basketball tryouts for Bountiful High School.
Last year he missed playing a good portion of the basketball season due to his 3 times sprained ankle, and the recovery of a broken ankle. I would hate for this year to follow suit.
Some teenage boys are convinced that not wearing an ankle brace during basketball practices and games is inconsequential. They believe that a weakened ankle will not be re-injured. However, history proves them wrong every time.
I heard that NBA players are fined if they don’t wear ankle braces while playing. Hmm….my wheels are turning, not a bad idea.
Posted by browniemom at 1:46 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Pro Mini Hoop
Today I received three packages in the mail. I have been waiting for a new hard drive for one computer, and an ac adapter for another. That accounts for two packages, so what could possibly be in the third?
Much to my surprise when I opened the third package I found a mini-pro hoop. “Who ordered this,” I snapped? “Not I”, said all 5 of my children present.” “Well, someone had to have ordered it,” I demanded. “Maybe, someone sent it as a gift,” Sarah reputed. “I don’t think so, all my personal information is on the order slip,” I exclaimed.
“I might have ordered it,” Ben cautiously replied. We all looked at him stunned, surprised, and burst into laughter. It probably was not a good response to the bad behavior. “How did you order it?” Jordan asked. “Well, I got mom’s American Express card and typed in the numbers,” he stated. “How did you know the security numbers,” I snapped? “Oh, that’s easy, they are the four numbers on the front or back of the card,” he admitted.
Who would have thought it was necessary to hide your credit cards from your 9 year old?
Once he realized that it was the wrong thing to do, he penitently gathered all his money and gave it to me for the purchase. A “good” mom would probably have sent the hoop back to teach an important lesson to a little 9 year old. However, at our house his new mini hoop is now hanging on the craft closet door. Bad parenting, I know, but happy boy!
Posted by browniemom at 8:43 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Screaming Halloween!
On Halloween, the early evening news reported that the top two candy bars preferred by children on Halloween were Kit Kats, and Snickers. Since, those are the candy bars I had to offer the scary little goblins; I thought I would have LOTS of trick-or-treaters. Not so. Unfortunately, we only had about 40. I even offered regular sized candy bars, not your small “fun size”. Do I need to up-size to king size; advertise my purchases on my lawn, or is trick-or-treating becoming a thing of the past? Not sure, but I sure missed those cute little costumed children.
We had our traditional Halloween dinner of chili, chicken noodle soup, and scones. The older kids weren’t that impressed when I turned off the lights, illuminated the candles on my Halloween chandeliers, and lit the candles in the spiders. They preferred to eat with lights on.
Lizzy dressed as a banana, and Ben as Scream. Seventh, and third grade; I think our trick-or-treating days are numbered.
Due to the lack of trick-or-treaters, the older girls and I went downstairs to watch a scary movie. Jordan volunteered to answer the door. His willingness to be of assistance might have something to do with the football game on upstairs.
The girls' and I watched, “When a Stranger Calls”. Jordan was summoned to the basement, when the screams became too intense, and the fear was overwhelming. I'm not sure I'm going to be watching another scary movie any time soon! Lizzy as a banana; the three girls caught stealing candy; Ben as Scream; Ben, Thomas & Mitch.
Posted by browniemom at 7:07 PM 2 comments