Happy Birthday to my favorite oldest son! Mike turned 16 today. Sixteen is such a milestone for teenagers at our house. Mike will become a legitimate driver; launch into the dating pool (Senate Dance is this Saturday); and advance in the priesthood.
Mike is such a great kid; I am sure these older teenage years will be just as great as the younger ones have been. What a complete delight he has been and continues to be.
To begin the birthday festivities we attempted to have a surprise party for him Saturday night. He has told me several times this past week, “Whatever you do for my birthday, I do not want a party, especially a surprise party.” I think I have become hard of hearing, or have simply learned how to tune my children out. Whatever the case, Katelyn and I planned a “surprise” party for him Saturday night. It ended up not being much of a surprise, but was a great party!
Sunday I made one of his favorite dinners, barbecued ribs., and his favorite peanut butter rice crispy bars for dessert.
Today is his actual birthday. After baseball practice we ventured out the the treacherous snow to enjoy a meal at one of his favorite restaurants, Texas Road House. We ended the celebrations with of course the traditional decorating his room, and lots of presents.
There’s nothing like 3 days of celebration!
Happy Birthday Mike! Have fun driving the streets! You're an amazing guy.
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