I love Christmas Break. At our house we take the "break" part literally. It is a time of no worries, no rush, plenty of sleep, and of course, plenty of FUN. We enjoy spending time with each other and those we love. Our break after Christmas began with a fun party at Aunt Jen's and then a trip to St. George. These are the highlights from St. George:
*St. George*
Pizza Factory
In & Out Burger
Playing outside
Hot Tubing
Rest and Relaxation
Memorable Moments:Lizzy forgetting her travel bag. She was so sad until she realized she would need new clothes. Thanks to Target and their $4 shirts Lizzy had something to wear.
Ben dancing on a chair at The Pizza Factory wearing his "Max Hall Hates Me" T-Shirt when he realized the table across from us were BYU fans . Fortunately, no food fight, just lots of smiles.
Kids playing Bop-It in the car on the way home, wanting mom to participate, fortunate I did not participate due to blizzard conditions.
Almost earning my "driving long distance in a snow storm badge" until I reached Bountiful, accidentally went through a red light and got pulled over. The police officer was very friendly and kind. As I apologized over and over he said, "Green is go, and red is stop." No damage done I looked both ways before I went through the light.
Playing Outside
Figuring out the new Christmas Rollerblades.
Waiting for movies, Video Games, Reading, & Favorite Treat.
We returned home to a beautiful blanket of snow covering Bountiful. The trees were glistening with white fluffy flakes, and the streets were glazed with a fresh dose of snow. Lights were , shimmering and reflecting off the brightness of the newly fallen snow. Nights like this are time to wear your cozy, soft, furry socks, and curl up next to the roaring fire, drinking a cup of frothy, delicious, hot chocolate.
Our first day back from St. George we embraced the change in weather and went sledding.
The cool sledders.

Ben and Lizzy sledding. Ben going off a jump (if you want to call it that).
Ben eating snow, the fashionable sledders, mom deciding she doesn't want to be a spectator anymore (not quite dressed for the snow, oh well).
am i the only one who has no idea who max hall is???
Max Hall is the BYU Quarter Back that said all those nasty things about Utah like: He hates all Utah fans and thinks we are classless.
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