Husband and Father

Husband and Father
July 15, 1958 ~ August 25, 2008

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Five Months

It has been 5 months today since Steve passed away. I keep thinking that I should be further along in the grieving process. There hasn't been a day that has gone by without shedding tears for my great loss, and the loss of my children. I guess the fact that some days I don't cry as much as others should be a good sign.

There is a Chinese proverb that states, "The man who moved mountains began by carrying away small stones." It is hard to pick up the pieces and try to begin to heal and rebuild your life. I suppose we have to work on it one day, one hour, or one moment at a time.

"I think these difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes around worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.".... Isak Dinesen

It is in true sorrow that we begin to learn to cherish the little things in life. I cherish the great memories we have, my children's laughter, and the great times that we have had together. I cherish strengthened friendships, and family relations. I am truly blessed.


Jen Brown said...

I've been thinking about Steve all day. In Relief Society they sang God Be With You Till We Meet Again, I could have done without that haha. When I saw your blog update I cried and laughed and thanked Heavenly Father again that Steve married you and for your great family. Cindy you are strong and brave and inspired. I know somehow Steve is happy that he can still maked me cry even when he's not around!

Christina said...

*hugs* to you and your family. I ran across your blog while blog hopping. And just wanted to say my heart goes out to you.

Ashley Erin said...

I rooted for the Utes this year. I thought I would get excommunicated, since I am a BYU grad, but I figured it would be worth it for uncle Steve. (shh! don't tell president samuelson.)

Juls said...

Dear Cindy,

I came across your blog and was compelled to write to you. I'm not sure if you remember me...I was Steve's assistant for several years at TSG....i later joined the Media dept he oversaw. I would really like the chance to write to you, any chance you would email me back?