Celebrating Steve's Birthday with some of his favorites: Billy Joel music, Rio Grande, and most importantly his children. Love and miss him!

Celebrating Steve's Birthday with some of his favorites: Billy Joel music, Rio Grande, and most importantly his children. Love and miss him!
Posted by browniemom at 6:15 AM 1 comments
There is a beautiful little pond nestled in the foothills of Farmington. One Saturday afternoon Quinn was kind enough to take us there, so he could fish with Ben. The fish weren't biting, so Ben found other ways to entertain himself. We were all jealous as he cooled off in the pond, while those without
swim suits roasted in the sun.
Posted by browniemom at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Janet and Wayne had our family over for a delightful birthday dinner. We were spoiled with barbecued ribs, grandma's famous bread sticks; salad; raspberries and red potatoes fresh from the garden; and homemade chocolate cream pie.
After dinner, Grandpa showed his Grandson, and Great-grandson a thing or two about gardening. They love their garden, and take pleasure in the fruits of their labor. We love spending time with them.
Posted by browniemom at 10:00 AM 1 comments
After last year, Silver Lake has become a 4th of July tradition. I don't mind, it is so beautiful in the mountains! I love going on hikes, walks, or just rides. We live in such a beautiful place.
Ben came geared up to fish again. Thanks to Quinn, who helps Ben fulfill his new"tradition" of catching his first fish of the year at Silver Lake. This year the fish weren't biting right off, but Ben was determined. As Quinn and I walked up the trail to look at a moose, we heard some excitement from our fishing hole. Ben was happily catching a fish. It wasn't very big, so we threw it back, but mission accomplished.
Mase enjoyed throwing rocks, and watching the ducks. What toddler doesn't love that, especially little boys.
Posted by browniemom at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Finally, we got the boat out in the water! Mike would be giving me "a look" about now for waiting until the end of June to take the boat out. He says one of the hardest things of his mission is watching people in boats out on the water. If that's the hardest thing, I think his mission is pretty cush:). In my defense, the first week of June was Girl's Camp, and the 3rd week in June was our family trip to California. We have been having some non-stop fun!
We spent late afternoon/evening at Pineview. It is one of our favorite lakes. It's not necessarily the calmest water for skiing, but you can't beat the beautiful surroundings. Meg skied, Quinn waked boarded, and Ben and Mitch tubed. Even little Mase got a turn on the tube. This time, I didn't sink him and his Dad. What a great afternoon on the lake.
We usually have some mechanical failure during our first time out on the lake for the season. This time as we were pulling the boat out of the water with the hand winch on the trailer, the strap broke. No problem….a nice boy scout knot solved the problem to get the boat home. It was an easy fix for the mechanics at the trailer shop the next morning. The mechanics were full of jokes, " Do you know what kind of knot you tied? Hope-it-holds knot. Do you know what B O A T stands for, Bring on another thousand." Oh my!
Posted by browniemom at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Three years ago today, I dropped these two cute missionaries off at the MTC in Provo. It seems like they have been gone a lot longer than that, but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. Not only have they blessed the lives of many in Alaska, and Vanuatu, but their lives have changed as well.
Their testimonies have been strengthened as they study the gospel each day, preparing spiritually to bring others it's message. Some they teach aren't quite ready to hear the message, and others have accepted the message and been baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They will always remember and cherish the spiritual experiences they have had with these investigators.
Both have expressed that they have never been so happy. They have experience trials, sometimes down-right hard days, but have worked through them, forgotten about themselves, and concentrated on serving the Lord. It is truly when we are in the service of our Heavenly Father, that we are the happiest.
Many people think that 18 months or 2 years is such a long time to be without your children. While I miss them like crazy, and it does seem long, I may have a different perspective than others. When you have experienced the departure of a loved one for the rest of your earthly life, 18 months or 2 years with emails, letters, and a few phone calls doesn't sound so bad.
I love them so much, and am so proud of them.
Posted by browniemom at 3:14 PM 0 comments
This article was in the Davis County Clipper:
Posted by browniemom at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Last but not least, the night before we left, we went to an Angels game. We got there early since they were giving out free cowboy hats to the first attendees. The Angels is one of my favorite teams in the MLB. I think my love for the team started with our many trips to California over the years. Every year we would attend an Angels game.
Now, my favorite player is Mike Trout, with a close second to Josh Hamilton. Both are phenomenal baseball players.
We were sad the next day to leave this all behind us. We had a wonderful vacation in sunny California!
Posted by browniemom at 3:59 PM 0 comments
The Disney quotes, "I will never be too old for Disneyland," and "It's the happiest place on earth." describe how I feel about Disneyland. I love the Disney Parks!
Although we hit Disneyland on a very busy day, we still had a wonderful time. Thanks to year's of going with the expert Molly, we knew how to get through lines as fast as possible. Between Lizzy and I, we tried to remember all of Molly's tricks. I do remember that Radiator Springs Racer, or the Cars ride as we refer to it, is one of the most difficult rides to get on. Many times fast passes are sold out first thing in the morning, so it is best to get there early and wait in line. I waited in line, while the rest rode Screamin'. It gave them just enough time to make it on the ride when they were finished.
With baby in tow, we traded around and either rode rides all together, split up, or I watched him. Whatever our situation, we all enjoyed riding our favorite rides. While the group went to Tower of Terror, I took Mason to Bugs Land. While they were riding another ride, I watched him while he took a good nap.
Screamin' is still my favorite ride. We finally got Ben to go on it, and he loved it! The last time I rode it, I may have even opened my eyes a little while going upside down.
One of the boys' brought a pedometer that tracked how far we walked. We arrived early in the morning, and didn't leave until the evening. The pedometer showed that we had walked 10 miles in one day. What a fun work out!
Posted by browniemom at 2:02 PM 1 comments
We spent a couple afternoons at the resorts beautiful pool, basking in the sun and cooling off in the pool. It was usually an afternoon when the World Cup was on, so we could go quickly move from watching the game to the pool.
Our favorite beach to spend time at was Newport. On previous vacations, we spent every day at that beach. We rented some boogie boards and chairs, and spent the afternoons relaxing and enjoying lunch at Jane's. Jane's has the best corn dogs in town.
One morning before the beach, we rented bikes to ride along the boardwalk. It is one of my favorite bike rides. We rode to the end of the boardwalk and back to Newport Pier enjoying the view of the pristine beaches, crystal clear ocean, and stunning beach homes.
We passed the two beach homes that we had stayed at back in the good old days. It was a little sentimental, and took my breath away for a moment, but it was okay. Life is good.
Posted by browniemom at 1:46 PM 2 comments