Sunday Mike said, "Do you know that I have lost 15 pounds in the last two months." My silent thoughts were, "Well you may have lost them, but I have found them," but I refrained from expressing my woes.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Minus Fifteen
Posted by browniemom at 7:54 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Harp Ensemble 2012
The Harp Ensemble is a recital that I look forward to each year. Twenty-three students participated, with 15 harps available. Students perform their favorite songs with Julie Keyes, their famous, most talented teacher leading the group.
Posted by browniemom at 8:18 PM 1 comments
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Movies are a self indulgence that I enjoy. Usually evenings are busy with the kid’s activities, so I occasionally take a day here and there to enjoy a movie with a friend. This week’s attraction was Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.
I was prepared for a tear- jerker, since the movie is about the death of a father during 9-11. I was pleased that the movie wasn’t exclusively about 9-11 or death.
I was touched by the love, strength, and perseverance shown by many in this movie. There are so many phrases and feelings that I could relate to. It made me realize that there are many who grieve terrible losses of loved ones in their lives. There are also many that share the difficult feelings, and situations that grief brings. I am not alone.
Thumbs up to the movie Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.
Posted by browniemom at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 27, 2012
The Help
Friday’s are cleaning days at my house. I have two women (who are sisters), who are originally from Mexico, who come help us clean. They clean the bathrooms and kitchen, and the kids and I do the rest.
Today, I was surprised when only one person came to clean. When I inquired as to where the other one was, Garceilia answered, “Oh, she had a baby last Friday.” I was shocked since I didn't even notice that she was pregnant, and also because she had a baby on the same day that she cleaned for me.
Garceilia mentioned that while I was at a meeting last Friday, her sister's water broke while she was cleaning my house. Instead of rushing to the hospital (like I would have done), she continued cleaning. She cleaned another house after mine, before finally deciding to check into the hospital. She had the baby at eight that night.
I’m feeling a little bad for obvious reasons. Am I totally oblivious, or is the language barrier excuse enough for not noticing obvious things?
Gracilia's sister wanted to come clean today (one week later), but she insisted that she wait at least another week.
After cleaning all morning, I left to run some errands. I left Kate in charge and this is the list she devised for my little helpers.
The Commander in Chief has DEMANDED that the following duties be done in T minus 4 hours. (Since Sergeant Mike has to go to battle tonight his tasks are do no later than 13:00 tomorrow)
NOTICE: Failure to complete the following tasks will result in automatic eviction out of Camp Brown and death by an automatic firearm of Commander-in-Chief/ President Kate’s choosing.
Private Benjamin:
Clean out locker
Assist Sergeant Mike in cleaning out the bomb shelter (aka storage room)
Assist Mike in cleaning out the garage including the blood on the floor (spilt popsicle)
Clean out Locker
Dust the Chief’s bunk room
Practice harp
Clean out three drawers of your picking
Clean out Locker
Clean out the bomb shelter (storage room) and the garage
Boss Private Ben around and make him do something
Finish your bunk room
Posted by browniemom at 1:48 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Ben has been playing on both a rec and comp basketball team this year. In comp, team names, team colors, and team uniforms are chosen by the crew. Ben was able to choose his favorite number for his jersey, number 2. He said he chose the number Mike had while playing on the Rebel's team, and the number Mike is for Bountiful High this year. He loves to follow in Mike's footsteps. I can't think of a greater mentor.
Posted by browniemom at 9:52 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
To The Rescue
Missing car keys are becoming a regular occurrence for me. Sometimes they end up at the bottom of a lake, or a child slams a locked car door shut. This time it was entirely my fault, AGAIN!
Posted by browniemom at 4:36 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Special Delivery

Posted by browniemom at 7:03 PM 5 comments
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Bountiful High School Pre-season Basketball
Basketball season is off to a great start. Non-conference games have been played, leaving the Braves varsity team 6 wins out of 8 games, and JV 5 wins out of 7 games.

Posted by browniemom at 7:21 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 6, 2012
My patient
My cute little patient was dropped off to me my her dotting husband last Friday morning. She had her wisdom teeth removed..... ouch! Jordan wanted to make sure someone was watching her while he was at work, so I got the honor.
Posted by browniemom at 12:39 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Christmas on the Sabbath
President Eyring, who is in our ward, was the guest speaker in Sacrament Meeting on Christmas morning. He spoke about, “Remembering Him.” He said, and I am paraphrasing, “You may not remember everything you hear today, but you will remember how you felt.” I will remember the strong spirit I felt that morning. I will also remember learning of Christ, and learning to become more like him. We were taught that It is through serving others that we can emulate our Savior.
I was very emotional this morning. As I sat on the pew with all my children, their spouses, and my in-laws, I especially missed Steve today. We are just not complete without him. Sometimes my heart still feels like it is broken in a thousand pieces. Today is one of those days. Wow, how we miss you, and wish you were here, Steve Brown.
Christmas brunch brought lots of smiles, as everyone enjoyed feasting on the yummy food and visiting. We had a new breakfast casserole that Sarah brought, and the traditional Denmark ableskibers.
Jodi and Jon had a new little addition this year. One week old, Emery Brooke, graced our presence 3 weeks early. My girl’s dotted over her and couldn't put her down. We love those cute little Fulk girls!
Lizzy received Just Dance 3, a video game, for Christmas. It was the funnest gift of all. You and a partner have a “dance off” to a song of your choice. As you are dancing you are being scored, at the end one score is higher than the other, thus the winner.
If you want to have a great work out, this is the game to play. I challenged Lizzy, with a no photography of any kind rule. I got a few “perfects” as I was being scored throughout the game, but was not the winner. Lizzy is hard to beat!
We had a fun, relaxing day, with family and friends.

Brunch, and working off all those calories with Just Dance 3.

Posted by browniemom at 10:04 PM 0 comments