Monday, December 20, 2010
Finally Legal...

Posted by browniemom at 10:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Santa Claus Comes To Town
This year's Santa Party was held at the Hanna House. Fabulous hosts I might add. Delicious dinner, dessert, and lots of fun.
Santa's arrival was anticipated with a lot of enthusiasm. Christmas carols were sung as we waited his arrival; a story was read; and a surprise talented soloist performed. When Santa finally arrived, the kids couldn't have been more excited.
I'm not sure which of my kids were on the naughty or nice list, but by the looks of the pictures, the boys' might not have made it on the nice list. They seemed a little concerned with Santa's naughty and nice book.
Santa spoiled them with new Utah sweatshirts.
Posted by browniemom at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 17, 2010
Festival of Trees
The Amethyst group from Creative Dance Academy dancing at the Festival of Trees. They were all wonderful!
Posted by browniemom at 4:54 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Violinists' at JSMB
There are so many things I love about Christmas. One thing I especially love at Christmas time is Christmas music. I know I could probably turn on a CD and call it good, but I especially love watching my kids perform. I love harp music, violin music, piano music, and choirs. I feel the spirit of Christmas through Christmas music.
Today was Katelyn’s last performance at JSMB. Her violin studio has performed there since Katelyn was small. It was a little emotional thinking that this is the last time I will see this group perform at this location. The JSMB is so beautiful, you can feel such a warm spirit there.
As usual, the violinists (especially Katelyn), did a phenomenal job!
Posted by browniemom at 4:28 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Dance 2010

Posted by browniemom at 8:30 PM 4 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
Bella, Bella!
Posted by browniemom at 2:40 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Turning Twelve
Lizzy's birthday celebrations began rather early that morning. At 5:20 a.m. we left to pick up her friend to go the temple and perform baptisms for the dead. It was a beautiful experience for both her and I. I must admit I teared up a bit when she was being baptized by someone other than her dad. I was so sad that he physically wasn’t there, I could feel his spirit though, and that made it special. The priesthood holders at the temple are so kind and gentle, they knew it was her first time at the temple and helped her every step of the way.
After our spiritual high, Ben and I took Lizzy to Sunshine Café for breakfast. It is one of our favorite places.
In the evening she had a small birthday party. We went and saw the movie Tangled, (which I would highly recommend) and dined at the Spaghetti Factory. I couldn’t stop laughing at these adorable, silly girls. They have all grown up so much, and are very entertaining.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
Posted by browniemom at 4:44 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Look A Likes?
I was browsing through The American Girl Doll Catalogue, when I happened upon this magazine advertisement. To me, the little girl in the advertisement resembles Lizzy. Oddly enough, I wasn't the only one who had mentioned this to her. What do you think?
Posted by browniemom at 3:37 PM 4 comments
Friday, December 3, 2010
Peanut Butter Cookie Surprise

To all my Julia Child "cook-a-likes", please do not read this post. You know who you are..... Si, Eden, to name a few. For the rest of us regular cooks, listed below is the recipe for the cookies I brought to our Thanksgiving Feast. Several people inquired, so here it is:
1 package Betty Crocker Peanut Butter Cookie Mix.
Make according to directions.
Place one miniature milky way candy bar in the middle of each cookie. Roll dough in a ball, and cook according to the package directions.
When cookies have cooled, melt chocolate chips, place melted chocolate in baggie cut off the tip of baggie and drizzle chocolate on cookies.
Posted by browniemom at 10:29 PM 1 comments