No joke, Meagan and Quinn will be moving to Las Vegas in June. They told us last night so that we would actually believe them. I guess change is inevitable.
Is it every easy to say good-bye, adios, sayonara? I don't think so. Especially when it is your first born, your amazing daughter, and fabulous son-in-law.
I have to keep reminding myself of the positive, they are only moving to Las Vegas; six hours away; easy to visit; not far from home; it's a great promotion for Quinn; and a wonderful time for them to bond away from their crazy (but way fun) family and relatives.
On the down-side, who is going to cook their meals; pick them up when their car breaks down; and provide them with unlimited entertainment? Isn't Las Vegas where Satan himself lives anyway (just kidding)?
Well....I think they'll figure it out. They are two of the most amazing people I know.
I'll miss them tons, but I'm excited for their new adventure.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
April Fool's Joke?
Posted by browniemom at 9:52 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Mix Up.
Today while I was paying bills I noticed a charge on my Marriott Visa Credit Card that I hadn't made. I looked on the back of the statement to get their phone number, and picked up the phone to call the credit card company concerning the charge in question.
When I called, a very strange "commercial" came on the phone. The things that were being said were "burning my ears". I could not believe that a commercial could be so dirty. I waited for a Marriott representative to get on the phone, so I could explain to them that they need to change the channel on their radio, so that those of us on hold could avoid such awful, and perverted "commercials."
As the "commercial" came to an end, the person said, "Now enter your credit card number for more intimate messages." I quickly hung up and called the same number that I thought I called in the first place. They answered promptly, Marriott Credit Card Services. Oops!
Posted by browniemom at 6:39 PM 3 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Once Upon A time....and they lived happily ever after.
Fairy tales are not just for the young, they are also for those of us who feel we have lived a life like a princess - a life better than we ever expected. My "once upon a time", began over 20 years ago when I married the love of my life. We started out as most newly weds, with limited monetary means, but lots of love.. We were college graduates, with great work ethics. Over the years, we were able to expand our humble adobe to a beautiful home with 6 fabulous children.
We had the opportunity each year to travel to new extraordinary destinations. We traveled the world, engaging in exquisite accommodations, in exotic places. We engaged in European travel and site-seeing , and viewing the magnificent wonders of the world.
We were all activity engaged in The Lord's work. Life was bliss.
Then came the greatest adversity I have ever experienced in my life, the passing of my husband. I began to think that my "happily ever after" wasn't going to happen.
I was reminded tonight my President Utchtdorf of how I am going to be assured a "happily ever after" ending.
"During his remarks, President Uchtdorf asked the teens to think back to their favorite fairy tale.
"In that story, the main character may be a princess or a peasant; she might be a mermaid or a milk maid, a ruler or a servant," he said. "You will find one thing all have in common — they must overcome adversity.
Sandwiched between their "once upon a time" and "happily ever after," they experienced hard times, he said.
"Why must all experience sadness and tragedy? Why could we not simply live in bliss and peace, each day filled with wonder, joy and love?" President Uchtdorf asked. "In stories, as in life, adversity teaches us things we cannot learn otherwise. Adversity helps to develop a depth of character that comes in no other way."
President Uchtdorf told the young women that they will experience their own adversity.
"None is exempt. You will suffer, be tempted and make mistakes," he said. "You will learn for yourself what every heroine has learned: through overcoming challenges comes growth and strength.
"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself that determines how your life's story will develop."
In closing, President Uchtdorf promised that "happily ever after" is not something just found in fairy tales."(taken from Sarah Jane Weaver, Church News Staff Writer)
My favorite quote from the night is, "It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself that determines how your life's story will develop." That is such a powerful statement, one I wish to remember often. I hope that I will react to my adversity in such a way that my life's story will be one with a "happily ever after" at the end of my life and for the eternities hereafter.
Posted by browniemom at 9:45 PM 2 comments
A Light In The Night
Posted by browniemom at 9:21 PM 6 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Proud To Be An American
The songs especially touched me. The sang about the various states and or regions of our country. As they sang about Utah, tears filled my eyes, as they reminded me of the great sacrifices that the pioneers had made for us, and the great trials they endured to make this such a great state.
Posted by browniemom at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Quandary With Grades
Tonight, was the induction of the National Honor Society students at Mueller Park Jr. High School. Michael was nominated, and accepted, but didn't want to attend the induction. He said, "Mom, you know I don't like things like that." So, no pictures, no hoopla, just a little bragging on my blog about his great accomplishment.
Mike struggled a little last year with his GPA. Rightfully so, it was an extremely difficult year for all of us. The girl's thought they were really funny when they nicknamed him Sylvan for letting his GPA drop. Sylvan has made tremendous progress this year and has maintained a 4.0 for each term except this one. In my humble opinion, I think we should re-nickname him Harvard.
This term he is .1 off from having a 4.0. I have REALLY struggled with this, especially because the class affecting his 4.0 was gym. That's right, P.E., Physical Education, whatever you want to call it. I started laughing when he first told me, because of the 3 to 4 hours of baseball per day he is playing at the high school. Not to mention the basketball comp games after baseball. If you are considered a Freshman, shouldn't the hours and hours of baseball practice and games be enough extra-credit to raise your grade .1 in gym?
My initial reaction was to call the gym teacher and give him a piece of my mind. However, I calmly asked Michael if he had talked with him. His answer was, "no". "Are you going to," I asked, "nope". The mother instinct in me wants to fix this for him, but the rational person thinks he should take care of the problem, or learn an important lesson. Maybe, it isn't even fixable at this point, but shouldn't he try? I'm in quite a quandary over this. Should I step in, or should he pay the consequence for not speaking up, or not trying to change his grade?
Posted by browniemom at 6:19 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What Country Are We In Anyway?
Yesterday, the Bountiful Braves Sophomore baseball team battled the Granger Lancer's on Granger's home turf. It was a double header with the first game ending successfully with the Braves winning 15 to 4, and loosing in the second.
As I was cheering during the game, a friend kindly educated me on proper baseball terms. For instance, there is a ump not a ref, you score runs, not points, innings not quarters, and so on and so forth. Wow, do I have a lot to learn.
Just like there are specific terms in baseball, there is also certain "baseball foods". The most common foods are hot dogs, sodas, peanuts, cracker jacks, and spitz (if you can call them food). In high school baseball games it is VERY unusual to find a snack shack. Most treats or foods must be brought in by the spectators. The only "baseball food" I will usually pack is spitz. They can easily be thrown in a purse or bag.
We braved the weather elements (cold, wind, and a little rain) until the 4th inning and then watched the remainder of the games from the car. Ben and Meg needed to use the restroom facilities, so I drove over to the gas station on the corner. When we walked in the gas station, they had shelves of countless flavors of spitzs. WOW! Ben was so excited! He had been begging me to buy them for him for the last 3 games. He narrowed his purchase down to 3 flavors and we took the bags to the cash register. The friendly, tattooed (not that there is anything wrong with that), young cashiers began to explain to Ben why you don't need spitz, chew, or anything else like that at a baseball game. Playing the game, or watching the game should be enough. They were very animated, and gregarious about their thoughts. Ben said nothing, just observed the diversity of people, and listened to their comments. When we walked out of the store, Ben rolled his eyes and said, "What country are we in anyway."
Posted by browniemom at 7:21 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Processing a Loss
There's an old adage that states that a mother is only as happy as her least happy child. I can attest to that. I feel the heartache my children have endured, and if one of them is sad, hurt or unhappy, at some level, so am I.
It has been a difficult process to watch my children grieve the loss of their Father, their protector, their confidant, their best friend. Someone once said, loosing a Father is like having your leg amputated- you always know it's missing, you just learn to live without it. I have watched as they try to find peace with such tragedy.
I have learned that each child grieves differently, and grieving takes on various elements day-t0-day. I have learned to respect the way in which each child grieves. There are many different emotions such as anger, sadness, emptiness, and loneliness. Each day brings about a different emotion, a new challenge. There are daily, sometimes hourly reminders of their loss.
Little children grieve differently. Sometimes true grieving begins for them 1 year or later, after their loss. Little children are so innocent, it breaks my heart to watch them suffer and try to process such a difficult event. Some of my most emotional times are when I hear things such as, "You know I don't have a dad, or "I don't have to draw a picture of what I would look like when I'm 100 years old, we don't live that long", and the list goes on and on. There isn't a day that goes by without a comment about their Dad. Some comments are too sad to write, and some are happy memories of a wonderful life together.
I don't want to live in a state of perpetual state of loss. We have found and will continue to find joy in our new journey. We have rejoiced in supporting one another in our activities and accomplishments. We have learned the importance of family first. As a mother, I am most happy when my children are happy, and being together brings us happiness.
Posted by browniemom at 12:33 PM 1 comments

"Spotting a leprechaun brings good luck, according to the Irish legend. To follow the merry mischief-maker is no small task, as they are known to vanish before humans spot them. The sound of the fairy's shoe hammer is purported to lead one to an elusive pot of gold, but the mischievous creatures will cunningly try to entice humans with riches, only to snatch it away in an act of trickery, Time magazine reported."
The St. Patrick's Day leprechaun visited our house this morning. He made mischief changing our milk from creamy white to mossy green. The pancakes were even tainted with this magical color. He left gifts of green for the kids to wear so they wouldn't be pinched at school.
Next year, I hope the leprechaun will choose Lucky Charms for breakfast with white milk. You know, they are magically delicious. There is something about turning non-green food green that is a little sick and twisted. Mike LOVES milk, but not today.
I am personally hoping that today I will spot a leprechaun. I could use some "good luck".

Posted by browniemom at 10:58 AM 3 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Michael
When I was about 4 month pregnant, we found out we were going to have a BOY! We were so excited. Finally, a boy after 3 beautiful girls. We elected not to tell ANYONE that we were having a boy until the day he was born. I warned everyone in advance not to believe anything Steve said concerning the sex of the baby during the pregnancy. He loves to tease. Grandma must not of heard my pleas. She made him a lovely PINK silky blanket and brought it to the hospital. When she realized she had been spoofed, she was kind enough to save the PINK one for another grand-baby and make Michael a beautiful BLUE one. It became his favorite blanket.

Binky Boys.

Three "Brown" babies born in the same year.
Michael, Jacob, and Elizabeth.

Brown brothers with their boy's.
Steve and Jeff

Posted by browniemom at 9:06 PM 4 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
More Pets?
That night someone (we won't name who), dropped a couple kernels of canned corn in the fish bowl. This person thought fish liked corn. REALLY? Maybe this person should have given the fish a hot bath with soap and water too. Anyway, sad day, no more fish. Up two pets, down to pets, all in a days time.

Posted by browniemom at 12:42 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Baseball Season Opener
In defense of myself refer to "Eyes On Fire" blog post.
Posted by browniemom at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Number One Fan
In the past year and a half, I have been to MANY basketball and baseball games for Mike. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching him play sports. When he excels, I find myself wishing Steve were there watching him, cheering him on. He would be so proud of him. Steve LOVED a good ball game, especially when Mike was involved. He was a doting father, making sure Mike was on the right team, obtaining the right skills, practicing, and monitoring his schedule. His dad was his number one fan.
I also find when the game doesn't particularly go as well as you had wished, missing Steve. He always knew the right thing to say, at the right time. He knew what could be changed, and how to change it. He knew all the rules, and made sure everyone else knew them too.
Mike was so lucky to have his dad so involved with the sports he played.
Ben was only 6 when Steve passed away. In fact, it was two days after his 6th birthday that Steve died. We have great memories of Steve teaching Ben about to swing a bat, and catch a ball. It was the summer of '08 that Steve coached his little league team. It is a very distinct memory for Ben, one that he will hopefully remember forever.
When Ben is playing basketball and I notice a very advanced move, I ask him where he learned it, and he always says, his Dad.
It makes me sad to think that Ben won't have the same experience as Mike. He will still have opportunities, but his number one fan will be missing.
Posted by browniemom at 11:51 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Instructional Basketball League
He is still too young to play in a rec league, but enjoyed
Ben informed me that every basketball player absolutely must have basketball shoes. That is.... shoes that are exclusively worn for basketball. You carry them on your back in a shoe bag to change into before you enter the basketball court.
End of the shoe story? Nope! Ben only wore them a couple times when he found his brother's old basketball shoes. He switched between his Shaq shoes and Mike's old shoes that he wore in 6th or 7th grade. As you can see they were a few sizes too big, but that didn't bother Ben.
Posted by browniemom at 9:11 PM 3 comments