Monday, December 20, 2010
Finally Legal...

Posted by browniemom at 10:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Santa Claus Comes To Town
This year's Santa Party was held at the Hanna House. Fabulous hosts I might add. Delicious dinner, dessert, and lots of fun.
Santa's arrival was anticipated with a lot of enthusiasm. Christmas carols were sung as we waited his arrival; a story was read; and a surprise talented soloist performed. When Santa finally arrived, the kids couldn't have been more excited.
I'm not sure which of my kids were on the naughty or nice list, but by the looks of the pictures, the boys' might not have made it on the nice list. They seemed a little concerned with Santa's naughty and nice book.
Santa spoiled them with new Utah sweatshirts.
Posted by browniemom at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 17, 2010
Festival of Trees
The Amethyst group from Creative Dance Academy dancing at the Festival of Trees. They were all wonderful!
Posted by browniemom at 4:54 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Violinists' at JSMB
There are so many things I love about Christmas. One thing I especially love at Christmas time is Christmas music. I know I could probably turn on a CD and call it good, but I especially love watching my kids perform. I love harp music, violin music, piano music, and choirs. I feel the spirit of Christmas through Christmas music.
Today was Katelyn’s last performance at JSMB. Her violin studio has performed there since Katelyn was small. It was a little emotional thinking that this is the last time I will see this group perform at this location. The JSMB is so beautiful, you can feel such a warm spirit there.
As usual, the violinists (especially Katelyn), did a phenomenal job!
Posted by browniemom at 4:28 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Dance 2010

Posted by browniemom at 8:30 PM 4 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
Bella, Bella!
Posted by browniemom at 2:40 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Turning Twelve
Lizzy's birthday celebrations began rather early that morning. At 5:20 a.m. we left to pick up her friend to go the temple and perform baptisms for the dead. It was a beautiful experience for both her and I. I must admit I teared up a bit when she was being baptized by someone other than her dad. I was so sad that he physically wasn’t there, I could feel his spirit though, and that made it special. The priesthood holders at the temple are so kind and gentle, they knew it was her first time at the temple and helped her every step of the way.
After our spiritual high, Ben and I took Lizzy to Sunshine Café for breakfast. It is one of our favorite places.
In the evening she had a small birthday party. We went and saw the movie Tangled, (which I would highly recommend) and dined at the Spaghetti Factory. I couldn’t stop laughing at these adorable, silly girls. They have all grown up so much, and are very entertaining.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
Posted by browniemom at 4:44 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Look A Likes?
I was browsing through The American Girl Doll Catalogue, when I happened upon this magazine advertisement. To me, the little girl in the advertisement resembles Lizzy. Oddly enough, I wasn't the only one who had mentioned this to her. What do you think?
Posted by browniemom at 3:37 PM 4 comments
Friday, December 3, 2010
Peanut Butter Cookie Surprise

To all my Julia Child "cook-a-likes", please do not read this post. You know who you are..... Si, Eden, to name a few. For the rest of us regular cooks, listed below is the recipe for the cookies I brought to our Thanksgiving Feast. Several people inquired, so here it is:
1 package Betty Crocker Peanut Butter Cookie Mix.
Make according to directions.
Place one miniature milky way candy bar in the middle of each cookie. Roll dough in a ball, and cook according to the package directions.
When cookies have cooled, melt chocolate chips, place melted chocolate in baggie cut off the tip of baggie and drizzle chocolate on cookies.
Posted by browniemom at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 26, 2010
To Grandmother's House We Go...
Grandma Brown asked everyone to bring a plate of cookies to Thanksgiving dinner, along with their main dish/dessert assignment. I was asked to bring my peanut butter surprise cookies.
I made them the night before, and put a note on them, that said, "Do Not Eat". Instead of complying with my specific instructions, my kids would sneak one, and rearrange the cookies. Instead of a heaping plate of cookies, I brought just a plate of cookies.
They went fast at Grandma's house too. I guess they are irresistible.
The Thanksgiving meal is always delicious!
There are many food traditions, besides the obvious ones, that are unique to only Grandma Browns' Thanksgiving feast. They are: cranberry sauce,(in a special dish that has been passed down for generations); yams with the marshmallow topping (Steve's favorite); and you can't forget the turkey rolls (rolls shaped like turkeys).

Dessert consists of pies, pies, and more pies. There were chocolate pies, coconut cream pie, pumpkin pie, and apple pie.
Grandma's famous turkey cookies are the coveted cookies. She also made her yummy homemade fudge, and each family brought a plate of cookies to share.
Lots of food!

Posted by browniemom at 7:55 PM 6 comments
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanks & Giving
This week on the early morning Today Show, they featured a segment on Thanks & Giving. What an appropriate way to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. The theme was centered on things we are thankful for, and also on giving. I enjoyed watching different people describe what they were thankful for, and learning the art of giving by spending time helping others less fortunate.
Much of the focus was on the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. It was so touching watching people's lives being changed, both those receiving service and those giving service. It warmed my heart.
I thought about this theme a lot during this week. I first began to think of all the things I am grateful for. I am so blessed and have so many things to be grateful for, it’s difficult to narrow down my list. Two things in particular that I am grateful for are my children, and for health and strength.
I am blessed with amazing children. Much more is expected of them than other children because of our unique circumstances. Besides the normal kid responsibilities, my kids have some duties that are usually performed by parents. Sometimes you’ll see one of my kids helping another with homework, grocery shopping, carpooling, fulfilling nanny duties, dates with their mom, and the list continues. I admire and love each one of them with all my heart.
I am grateful for health and strength. This year with Sarah’s tumor situation, I became keenly aware of how important health is, and how much we take it for granted. I am so grateful that her health situation had a happy ending, and that we are all healthy and strong.
I wanted to complete the second half of Thanks & Giving, by volunteering somewhere with my children. I must say, it never happened in an organized fashion, but we were able to help out our elderly family friend. She allowed one of my kids to clean her house, one to mow the lawn, run errands for her, take her places, bring her meals, and visit with her. We always love helping her. It brings us so much joy.
I hope that next year my family and I will be able to take more time implementing the giving part of Thanksgiving.
I have so much to be thankful for, especially our wonderful friends and family who continue to support us through our ups and downs. Thank you so much, we love you!
Posted by browniemom at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Baby Steps
Grief doesn’t magically end after a certain amount of time has lapsed after a loved one’s death. There are times when I have daily reminders of my loss. Certain reminders of Steve are inevitable, especially during holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. Reminders of my loss are not just special dates, but can be tied to a particular song, restaurant, activity, building, or sights and smells around me. They are everywhere.
I try to avoid places that might bring back difficult memories for me. Memorial events or news of a sudden death triggers the pain and sadness of my own loss. I am not only sad about my loss, but I can truly feel how a young wife who suddenly losses her husband may feel. I have empathy towards these women.
This week I confronted two of my greatest fears. My first fear, was visiting the same mortuary that was host of some of the memorial events accompanying Steve’s death. Monday night I attended a viewing of a young husband/father, whom passed away suddenly. The viewing was not only at the same mortuary, but also in the same room that Steve’s viewing was held in.
The day was full of anxiety for me as I contemplated whether or not I would be able to confront my fear. I finally made the decision to attend the viewing. Katelyn agreed to accompany me, she is so brave. We came early hoping that I could just process my feelings without a lot of people around. I walked past the room were Steve’s parents and I dressed Steve in his temple clothing. Memories of a very tender time with Steve’s parents were brought to my mind.
I walked down the hall and entered the hallway leading to the viewing room. Many thoughts, memories, and tender feelings came back. My mind was filled with memories of my grieving children, spending time by the video, and table of memorabilia of their dad. They wanted to remember the happy times with him. The tears flowed, but it was ok. I gave the family my condolences, and left quickly out the side door. I was surprised that I was able to successfully face one of my fears.
My second fear was visiting the hospital where Steve was taken to the night of his passing. I have driven by this hospital many times, and have been filled with pain, and sadness.
Tuesday, an elderly woman I visit teach asked me to take her to this particular hospital for some tests. I obliged, thinking that it would be on the opposite end of the Emergency Room entrance. When we arrived, she told me that we were to enter through the emergency room entrance. I dropped her off there so she wouldn’t have to walk, and contemplated my dilemma.
I thought I could be as brave as I was Monday night and confront my second fear completely, but it didn’t happen. I wasn’t able to enter through the Emergency Room doors; I walked to the front of the hospital, entered, and found my way to my destination. Nothing was familiar; it didn’t remind me of that dreadful night.
This sweet, bright, woman noticed that I had come in from a different direction. Not many words were exchanged, but she knew, and I knew, why I had chosen a different path.
I wasn’t entirely successful at confronting both of these fears, but I felt like I made significant progress. Someday I’ll be braver, but for the time being.....baby steps.
Posted by browniemom at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Meet The Players Night
Meet The Players Night, was held at Bountiful High School Thursday Night. The Bountiful High School men and women’s basketball team were introduced, and competed in a two quarter game, younger teams verses the older teams. A slam dunk competition kept the crowd’s attention, and filled the night with cheers and excitement.
Posted by browniemom at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Gremlin 2010 Football Season

Posted by browniemom at 11:16 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Black Cat, and Pumpkins
As we were carving these elaborate pumpkins, little Tyli (who is 3), said she had a magic pumpkin. She chose to carve her “magic pumpkin” into a kitty. Tyli loves animals, so not a surprise.
However, the surprise came later that night when we opened the door to the garage to find a little black kitten sitting there. This cute little kitten, ran into our house, and was adored by all (especially little Ty). She stayed at our house the entire night.
Well, this cute little kitten has not left our house. She has affectionately been named Midnight by the kids. I hope someone is not frantically looking for their little lost kitten. She has taken over Snowball’s bed, litter box, food, and water. She loves people and tries to jump in the car, and come in our house.
We are all enamored with her charming personality, but wonder if there was magic in the pumpkin carving, or just a misplaced Halloween cat.

Pumpkin carving with only minor injuries.
Posted by browniemom at 8:38 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010
The Unexpected Guest

Grandma and Jami helping with the fishing game; Jeff in charge of the pinata; cousins, and Grandma making her famous scones.

Cousins and second cousins.

Posted by browniemom at 3:20 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Holladay Friends
(I have to put a disclaimer on this photo. I had just gotten back from a little league football game in the pouring rain.)
Saturday, I got together with some friends from my childhood (or teenager-hood). We all grew up in the Holladay area. These are friends from the Holladay 10th and 26th ward. Several were unable to attend, but those of us in attendance had a great time catching up and reminiscing.
These are some friends that I don’t see often, but when I do, it is as if nothing has changed. We all still seem to think we are as young as ever.
I was reminded of how unpredictable life can be. Who would have ever imagined that two of the seven of us present would be widows, while still in our forties? Who would have imagined some of the challenges, and difficulties people in this group have experienced in such a short life-time.
Difficulties aside, everyone is happy and enjoying life to its fullest, and today we are enjoying our long lasting friendships.
Posted by browniemom at 9:43 PM 1 comments

Preparations ~ Thanks to my many friends for letting me borrow their Halloween decorations. The decorations looked great!

Katelyn and her date Ty Hayes, with their group, the color blue.

Lots of colors, lots of cute couples, and lots of fun!
Posted by browniemom at 7:15 AM 4 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Woes of Skateboards
Friday night I ran out through the garage to get my purse out of the car. When I opened the door from the house to the garage, it was very dark, but I decided it was such a short distance, I’d be fine without light. NOT a good idea.
As I sprinted across the garage, my feet landed on the boys’ skateboard. I took a brief, unexpected, ride, before I flew into the air, knocking down the bikes as if they were bowling pins, with the side of my face.
That may sound bad, but it actually cushioned my blow to the hard cement garage floor. I laid there in silence, dizzy, and dumbfounded from the fall. After decades (well maybe just minutes), I came to my senses, and was able to walk back into the house, still bewildered, and groggy.
I went to a movie that night, feeling slightly disoriented and light-headed, but desperately needing a night out. I thought things were fine until I began to get flu like symptoms. I was so nauseous; I spent hours feeling like I was getting a bad case of the flu. No flu.
In the morning, I felt like I had run a marathon. My legs, arms, back, neck, head, every part of my body hurt.
I have fully recovered from my little mishap, but after this, and Mike breaking his ankle on a skateboard in July, I am convinced that our family should be a skateboard-free family.
Posted by browniemom at 7:56 PM 4 comments
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Tina The Tumor

Posted by browniemom at 6:38 PM 12 comments